
Now that it's November, and I've decided to focus on building my newsletter, something I haven't devoted any time to in the past. I've since learned how important having a newsletter is for authors. If you haven't signed up yet, be sure to add your email and I'll send you 3 chapters of a new story I'm working on. I plan on adding a lot to this newsletter in the future because I want it to be useful and informative. So far, it includes news about new releases, free promotions, a featured story by a fellow author, and random writing and self-publishing tips. Sign up, and I promise not to spam you (I hate spam as much as you do!). As a subscriber, you'll receive a newsletter in your email box about every other week (or less!) When you visit the sign up page, you can also read the archives by scrolling down.


Happy Halloween! My scary stories have been included in Creepy Books, a list of horror stories. There are some great stories from other authors on this page, so if you're ready to be scared, check this list of series out!


My epic fantasy trilogy, Draekkon's Fire, is almost finished, with less than 10 chapters left to edit in Book III. All 3 books will appear in ebook format and print. A special hardcover version with the entire trilogy inside - including illustrations and enhanced features - is planned.

Read the 1st book in the series here. Read the 2nd book in the series here. Read the ongoing Vella series for all the episodes here


I've been busy working on on completing vella episodes for Draekkon's Fire, The Night Watch, Moon Cast, Red Hollow, and my newest Vella, Hail Storm. Draekkon's fire has over a hundred episodes with about forty more to go. I've been publishing two per week! The Night Watch, Moon Cast, Red Hollow, and Hail Storm update once a week until they're finished (or I run out of steam!). As always, thank you for supporting the work of indie writers and publishers.

Writing serial fiction has been my best writing challenge yet (along with taming tenses). It's like making my main characters stars of their own television show. As I learn to be a more effective, accurate editor, I've consumed many books from the local library. I plan on condensing the best writing tips into a Vella series.

By the way, if you're unfamiliar with Vella, think of it as stories in serial format. If you're new to it, Amazon will likely give you some free tokens to try it out. Of course, I would be so thankful if you gave mine a go, but there are many amazing authors to choose from. Visit my linktree for all my writing projects.


I'm happy to announce the release of two new ebooks. Both The Vampire Valeri and Sugar Creek: Autumn Returns are available in the kindle store. Visit my New Releases page for direct links. Season 1 of my Vella Series, The Night Watch: The Vampire's Widow is nearing completion to make way for the sequel, tentatively called The Night Watch: House Call.


Happy New Years, readers! I'm continuing to create new episodes on stories like Draekkon's Fire and The Night Watch. I have no plans to slow down when it comes to new material. As always, you can find a list of all my works  on my Linktree page. While you're there, be sure to sign up for my newsletter to stay up to date on new releases, seasons, and episodes. Thank you for reading my stories, and inspiring me to write more.