
Our memories about the trees

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Chasing cicadas in the nursery garden

Many parents want to drop their children off at the nursery at 8 a.m. and leave the garden ten minutes later and be on their way to work. However, there may have been many parents who could not do so in the summer.

When I enter the nursery garden in the summer where the children are waiting for me, I find myself surrounded by them, saying, "Catch cicadas," "Today there are two, to three" and "I want black cicadas”. For them, I am not a father of two sons, but "everyone's cicadas-catching uncle”.

With an insect net in hand, I listen carefully and look around for cicadas with the children, casting my eyes over the trees that are firmly rooted in the ground, such as the nankinhaze, kaki, muku, kunugi, and zelkova trees. The cicadas are often found in the zelkova tree. However, it is tall and has intricate branches, making it a challenge just to find them, needless to say, it is very difficult to catch them. Don't tell anyone that I enjoy bargaining with nature more than the children.

If you can catch it in front of the children, you can go to work. If you catch it and the children aren't looking at you, however, you have to "try again," and of course they won't let you go until you get it. The next thing I know, it's already 8:30 and I have to be on my way to work. Exchanging, "See you tomorrow," or "No, in the evening," I leave the garden with a clear and cheerful mind.

The garden of Akaimi is full of bargaining with the children. I hope to welcome the children's graduation without forgetting the awe for the trees that have watched over them and gratitude to our nursery staff. Thank you very much!



To smile and say, under the olive tree, "Take care, Mommy! Good luck!" is my son's morning routine.

Shaking hands with him from between the fences near the tree, I’m off.


An Israeli family who used to attend the nursery gave us this olive tree when they left Japan. The girl grew up und visited the nursery a few years ago!


On arriving at the nursery, my children would climb the pomegranate tree to see me off to work. On the way home, in the dark of winter, they would climb the tree to show me how faster they could climb than before. Every one of those days is a precious memory for me.


When my son was in the 3-year-old class, he was always unwilling to say bye-bye to me at the nursery in the morning. Those were hard days for me and for my son. One day, the teacher asked him, "Do you want to try pomegranate?" and handed it to him. He liked the puffy texture and bittersweet taste of the fruit and stopped crying. We can't eat it now because of infectious disease control, but I remember that day very well. That year I was always worried that all the pomegranate fruits would be eaten up.


A flower of the pomegranate tree.


"Octopus sausages" made of zakuro flowers


Following octopus showed aliens !


I've made a futon for my aliens.



One day, when I went to pick up my son, he reported, "Hey, Mom, I was able to climb really high today!” "Want me to show you?" He enthusiastically asked."What? Really? That's amazing, let me see!” I said, grabbing his backpack, and went to the yard. My son happily said, "Here we go!", skillfully put his feet on the branch of the pomegranate tree and climbed up higher and higher. It was so high that I asked worried, "Isn't it a little dangerous? Are you okay?”.

Every day I would say, "My little boy, you’re so cute," but my son is already five years old. I had always been overprotective of him all his life, but before I knew it, he was able to climb trees and even catch insects. Watching him climb the tree that day brought me a lot of joy and surprise.

くぬぎ。大きなコロンとしたどんぐりで、なんとなく特別感のあるどんぐり。ゲットすると「やったー!」と思うようです。でも朱い実には1本しかないので、「京都 御所 くぬぎ」で調べて京都御所でクヌギが植えられているところを探し、山のようにクヌギの実を集めました。それでも、やっぱり朱い実でみつけると、「あった!!」と嬉しくなるのは変わらないようです。

The acorn with a big crown of sawtooth oak, something special to children. If my son gets one, he feels exceptionally happy. However, there is only one sawtooth oak tree in the Akaimi's garden. So I found a place where a lot of oaks are planted by searching for the keywords "Kyoto Imperial Palace & sawtooth oaks", and we collected lots of sawtooth oak acorns. Even after that, when he finds an oak acorn at Akaimi, he is still happy, "I got it!!".


My son, who doesn't know the word "Nemunoki", can identify the silk tree flowers in the picture, saying "I saw it in the nursery."


Many bluebottles come to the celtis tree.


The acorn that the children picked up at Mt. Yoshida sprouted and became the tree on the left side.


Small children love tunnels made of forsythia.


I love the apricot tree! It's fun to use its fruits to play house or to play with them as rockets.


When I picked her up at the nursery, my daughter was cooking Abelian flower soup in the garden. It was so beautiful that I took this picture. I am grateful for the garden where children can play such a wonderful house.


When we leave the nursery in the evening together, my son always shows me climbing the same tree. I notice that he is getting better little by little every day, which makes me feel joy in his growth.



It was at the end of the 4-year-old class. Every day when I went to pick him up, my son said, "I’ll climb up the tree once and then go home.” It was a slender tree looking very delicate, but it continued to support the children without breaking, whereas its bark became slippery.

I hadn't paid much attention to the tree before. But one year in spring, I notice that a lot of cute flowers began to bloom, was amazed at the beauty of this Tree for Climbing.


That was when my daughter was in the 1-year-old class and attending the nursery with her brother, four years older than her. Whenever she saw him climbing the Japanese cornel tree, she stuck to the tree, saying “I’ll climb it, too!”. I lifted her up and let her hang on the tree like hanging on a horizontal bar. She doesn't remember those old days now, and is busy having girl’s talk with her friends.^^


When I went to pick up my daughter from nursery school, she was always climbing up the Japanese cornel tree. At that time she had just got a new sister and a new life, but this tree always seemed to support her, standing by.




One day at the end of spring, when we went to the nursery to pick him up, my son was excited and said, "There are cherries!”. “A cherry tree in the nursery garden, and cherries that can be eaten?” He took us by the and we followed him, and sure enough, there they were!

Lifted up by his father, he harvested a bright red cherry, washed it in the tap, and popped it into his mouth.

He then gave us a cute smile and said, "Freshly picked cherries are the best!”


A happy lunch time


Handmade carp streamers


Summer orange marmalade is a favorite of the children at the nursery school. It is also served at nursery school lunch, but I had my first taste of it at the "Nursery School Lunch Festival". It was an event where school lunches served at nursery schools in Kyoto City were offered for tasting in the Sanjo shopping street. Even though it was a holiday, many Akaimi staff were present and welcomed my family as warmly as usual. It was a very pleasant memory. We also received a recipe and some summer oranges from the nursery garden, and I tried to make it at home, but it didn't quite have the same taste as the marmalade made by our nursery’s lunchroom staff.


Every year, when the white flowers of the summer oranges bloomed, I would often stop for a while to soak in their fragrance and feel the season. It helped me forget the rush of everyday life.


At my daughter's graduation ceremony, the school lunchroom staff made a marmalade cake. They used the only three summer oranges they had that year to bake it! It was really delicious.



Akaimi offers a really great lunch and mid-afternoon snack. When I pick up my second son, he often tells me what they had for lunch and snacks.

One day, I was struck by his difficult request, "Today, we had summer orange marmalade at snack time. Can you make it for me at home? " Hmm…I was thinking. To my surprise, the nursery teacher packed some summer oranges from Akaimi’s garden and gave them to me with the marmalade recipe. I had no choice but to make it at home, though I had never made it. On a weekend day, we peeled the summer oranges and made the marmalade together. We enjoyed it very much. Although the jam was a little bitter sweet, my son was very satisfied. We ate a lot, putting the jam on the crackers as he did in the nursery.




Marmalade from our garden

The summer orange tree bears a lot of fruit every two years. The children look forward to climbing the tree and reaching out to get the fruit. Every year, we make marmalade from these summer oranges. We peel them, boil the peel, and cut it into thin slices when it is soft. Then the lunchroom is filled with the sweet smell of summer oranges. As we cook its marmalade in a pot with sugar, the aroma spreads throughout the hall as the children come in from their naps.

The children in the final year class taste the finished marmalade on crackers. You can also make candied orange peel by cutting the peel a little longer. (From the lunchroom staff)


My daughter told me that she had eaten some mulberries in the nursery, so I went with her to see what kind of fruit it was. The shape of the leaves was so nice that I took a picture of one with a berry. Just as I said, "We have taken a beautiful picture!”, the berry was already in her mouth.


Thank you for your work today, Mommy, Daddy.


Sunshade made of kaki branches


The apricot jam is also delicious.


nankinhaze in the summer


The jolcham oak used to stand next to the hill. Children would often climb it and play sumo wrestling with it until it at last fell down to the ground.


It's autumn.


Kaki fruits and Sommer Oranges



There's a whole bunch of pill-bugs underneath the bushes of privets! When my son was in the 2-year-old class, he would always collect a bucket full of them and happily show them to me when I went to pick him up.

Even the little blue summer oranges that fell before they were ripe were treasures for the children! My son also kept them in his drawer at the classroom and brought them home with him.

玄関のスロープ沿いのプリペット。よちよち歩きの乳児さんたちが、土遊びをするのにちょうどよい高さで、子どもたちの大好きなコーナー。掘りすぎて根っこを痛めてしまわないよう、 子どもたちが掘ったところを、先生たちが、ニコニコしながら、こっそり、せっせと埋め直します。掘ったらダメよ、とは決して言わずに。

Privet bushes along the entrance slope. This is a favorite spot for infants who are just waddling along as it is just the right height for them to play in the dirt. To prevent the children from digging too deep and damaging the roots of privets, the nursery staff secretly and smilingly re-bury the soil where the children have dug, without telling them not to dig.

西日が差す門に向かいながら、「今日はどうだった?」「楽しかった。」とそっけない返事。「今日は何したん? 園庭では遊んだ?」「知らん。」きりん組になっても、そんなやりとりだけ。縄跳びして、木登りして、泥だらけで泥団子を作って、楽しいのが当たり前の毎日。明日も、そんな日でありますように。

As I walked with my son to the gate in the setting sun, I asked him, "How was it today?" "It was fun”, he answered curtly. "What did you do today? Did you play in the garden?” "I don't remember”. He is already in the highest class of the nursery, but we have no more than this kind of simple exchange every day. Playing with jump ropes, climbing trees, and making mud dumplings and so on. For him, it is an unquestionable fact that everyday life at the nursery is full of fun. I hope tomorrow will be the same as today.








The gate arch that I went through many many times

Hugging my newborn daughter tightly,

Pulling the hand of my toddler softly,

Chasing after my running girl cheerfully,

Encouraging myself to do my best today,

Feeling the regret leaving my child sobbing at the classroom's door,

Depressed by having scolded her emotionally in the morning,

Is she waiting for me ?, hurrying to see her as soon as possible, and

Talking with her, how it was today.

What is my daughter thinking about, when she goes through this arch every morning and evening ?

The gate arch, you have always been such an essential part of our life.

Going through you out for the last time, we will soon leave this lovely place for ever