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Why You Should Use Stump Grinding Services to Remove That Obstructive Tree Stump

While trees may give additional aesthetics to your home and even provides that cooling effect allowing you to reduce your energy bills on those air conditioning units, there are times when the authorities will have to ask you to chop it down because such tree is deemed unsafe on the street or perhaps interfering with power lines. So, whether you like it or not, you'll have to make that difficult decision of removing such beautiful tree. And what is left after? A tree stump.

Stump Grinding Near Me - (855) 723-0033

Tree stumps are usually unattractive on anybody's lawn. They are even causes of trip hazards most especially when there are kids playing around. They can also attract white ants and this could mean risking the safety of your home. Aside from that, they are also obstructive to driveways or construction as well as to landscaping. It is for all these reasons that you should think about getting rid of any tree stump in your yard.

The next problem is how you are just going to get rid of it. Deciding to do it by yourself does not only take so much of your time as it might take you a day or two and money as you would certainly need a slew of tools like chainsaw, hoe, and ax. It also takes so much of effort hacking and picking and digging not to mention staying under the harmful heat of the sun. And most often than not, nobody has ever been very successful about do-it-yourself stump removal since the roots of most trees are buried so deep that you might just end up ruining your yard.

What's the best way to do then?

There are actually stump grinding near me services these days that provide professional stump removal. To deal with such an obstructive tree stump in only a matter of minutes and save you lots of cash on having to buy those tools, professional stump removers will use equipment that are not just modern but also perfect for safely removing any kind of hardwood stump on your lawn. Aside from having the right skills to get the job done, they also include in their services the task of cleaning up so you don't really have to worry about all those debris being scattered all around.

With the help of professional stump removal, your yard is guaranteed to remain intact which means your yard is free from the danger of being torn up or perhaps riddled with lots of holes. They also have certified arborists on staff to help keep your home safe by making sure that your yard is free from any possible termite attacks and other threats.

Options for Stump Removal

As valuable as landscaping trees may be to a home, there are reasons why some homeowners may choose to have a tree removed. Perhaps the tree is an impending danger to property or power lines. Perhaps it is in a spot where a home addition, storage building, or garden is to go. Perhaps the tree is dead or dying from the effects of inclement weather. If you have ever had a tree removed, whether intentionally or not, an unsightly stump may remain. If this is the case, there are several options for stump removal to consider.

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Perhaps the most natural option for stump removal is to cover it with soil. This produces a natural decay (rot). It is a completely organic, environmentally friendly way to break down the stump. The potential drawback, however, is the length of time it takes for the process to take place. This can be reasonably estimated by the size of the stump to be removed. Typically, the larger the stump is, the longer it will take for it to decay naturally.

If waiting for a natural, organic decay is not an option due to any time constraints a homeowner may be facing, another possibility for stump removal is to use a commercial chemical to assist with the breakdown in a more expedient timeframe. Consistent applications according to the directions on the product can accelerate the breakdown process. Once the stump is soft enough, many attempt to remove it by burning it. However, there are several other considerations to bear in mind with this method.

First, even using a chemical in an attempt to accelerate the decay process, followed by a burn, may still take more time than the homeowner desires. Second, there are legalities to consider before burning a stump, such as acquiring a permit to burn and any "no burn" injunctions municipalities may enforce. Finally, there are safety concerns to consider. Would a burn somehow become uncontrolled? Is it near your home or that of a neighbor's? Is it near other personal property, such as outbuildings, equipment, orlivestock? Is it near brush that could catch fire and spread easily? As this method certainly involves a certain degree of risk, it should not be approached with a flippant attitude.

Stump Removal Can Make Your Yard Healthier, Safer, and More Attractive

Maybe you moved into a home with a stump in the front yard. Or maybe your beloved maple died last year, and all that remains is the stump. Either way, do you really need to get rid of the stump? Is it hurting anyone or anything by just sitting there in your yard?

Unfortunately, even if it's not a problem now, that stump could become a serious issue in the future. Dead tree stumps can become hazardous and irritating, in addition to being unsightly-especially once they begin rotting. Call in a tree services professional for stump removal and look forward to a smooth, safe, stump-free lawn.

Aesthetic Considerations

Imagine your yard spreading out before you, lush and green and filled with trees and flowers. Now imagine a large rotting tree stump in the middle of that idyllic scene. Not so pretty anymore, right? Tree stumps can make your land look neglected and unkempt. They can bring down the value and first impressions people have of your home. In front of a commercial space, they can make a business look unappealing, like its owners can't be bothered to consider how they present their store, office, or restaurant to the world. Getting rid of that stump shows that you care about your outdoor space. Stump removal can also clear the way for new construction and landscaping.

Safety and Health Considerations

Beyond being unsightly, tree stumps can be hazardous to the health of your family or anyone who uses the property. People might not see them underfoot and trip-an eventuality that, for homeowners and business owners alike, can result in lawsuits. Children might try to play on the stump and fall or get dangerous splinters. Meanwhile, rotting stumps attract vermin and pests, and you certainly don't want carpenter ants, termites, or other creatures taking up residence close to your home or commercial space. Stump removal is the answer to all of these problems.

How Stump Removal Works

Whether you're felling a tree and want to remove the stump afterward or you have a stump that has been there for years, the process of getting rid of it is the same. Many tree service professionals utilize stump grinding methods, using a machine to grind the wood down until it's even with the earth around it. While the roots remain underground, you can plant grass over top of where the stump used to be and enjoy a smooth, flat lawn. Those underground roots, meanwhile, will decay naturally over time.

Hiring an expert to conduct tree stump grinding is a relatively easy step you can take to drastically improve your yard's appearance and safety. Plus, if you do your research before hiring a tree services pro, you can find a good deal on stump removal service. And perhaps stump removal is the incentive you need to have your living trees pruned or a dying tree felled safely and properly. Your lawn-and the people who use it every day-will thank you.

Landscaping Tips Removing Tree Stumps From Your Lawn or Backyard

Trees can make your backyard or lawn more appealing to the eye. However, the stump that remains after cutting down a tree does not have the same aesthetic appeal. While removing the stump will make your lawn look uniform, the problem lies in getting it out of the way. Some trees such as oaks have deep root systems while others such as silver maples have shallow roots. Here are some great tips that you can use to get rid of tree stumps.

Stump Grinding

In some cases, digging out a tree stump can cause structural damage to your house. This is where a stump grinder comes in handy. This machine consists of a spinning blade fitted with tipped teeth that chew away stumps. Take note that a grinder can only work up to a limited depth (usually 10 to 12 inches below ground level). If you do not have a grinder at home, you can hire one or pay tree removal in Edmonton contractor to do the work. When using the grinder, make sure there are no children or people standing nearby because the spinning blade tends to send debris flying all over the place.

Hand Digging

If the stump is for a small shallow rooted tree, consider hand digging. All you need are common tools such as an axe, hoe, shovel, winch, and root saw. Start by digging around the stump to expose the roots and then use an axe or root saw to cut them. You can then use a winch to pull the stump out of the ground. Remember a winch can easily turn into a powerful and dangerous weapon if not properly anchored.

Chemical Stump Removal

If you do not want to engage in too much physical work, you can use chemicals to remove the stump. Take note that chemicals take time to decompose the stump. The majority of chemicals manufactured for this purpose use potassium nitrate as the active ingredient. To use the chemicals, drill holes in the stump at least eight to 10 inches deep. Place the chemicals in the holes and add water to ensure the active compounds seep as far as possible inside the stump. Finally, cover the stump to ensure children or pets do not accidentally lick the toxic chemical mixture.

How to Remove Stumps From Your Yard

Depending on the species, planting a tree can be a surprisingly pain-free process. With a little care taken to provide nutrients through fungi and watering, it's easy to stimulate rapid growth for the coming year. It can therefore be frustrating to deal with the often difficult challenge of entirely removing a tree. Whether the tree is strangling your other plant systems with overly vigorous growth, too diseased to save, or simply needs to go in order to make space, it's worth bearing these removal tips in mind.

Digging Out

An old standby, this technique is often used when the stump stands only a few inches above ground level. Possible, try and keep stumps at least a few feet above the ground to provide better leverage. A cutting mattock is the best tool for the job, letting you dig to the base of the stump, severing loose roots along the way. Dig down and cut the taproot, and there should be enough access space to pull the stump from the earth. Many opt to use a car in tandem with a mattock for added pulling power, and if space allows then it can be worth considering the extra force.

Grinding Away

When stumps are located near to walls and paths, tearing up the earth to get to the base of the stump may not be a viable option. For these awkward situations many choose to go with a stump grinder for tree stump removal services. A cutter wheel with carbide teeth grinds away at the stump to below the soil surface, until it's largely destroyed. Some choose to burn out the hole with kerosene, but as long as you cover it with topsoil the stump should rot away out of sight and of its own accord.

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