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Why You Should Use Arborist Services to Remove That Obstructive Tree on your Property?

They will be able to help you trim, manipulate, or move trees on your property. Unfortunately, it can be incredibly hard to find a tree service company that can meet all of these needs. Many companies that does tree work are not certified as an arborist. Many time these well-meaning companies simply do not have the experience or qualifications to understand many of the complexities involving tree care, tree trimming, and or removal there-of. Many do not even have proper insurance. Certified Arborist are students of their profession. Most of these professional keep proper insurance and can expertly handle any tree work one may need. People are searching out arborist even though two guys in a truck may offer a lower price. TreeCareHQ understands people how they value of hiring a professional arborist near me on their trees.

Arborist Near Me

Is hiring two guys with a chain saw in a truck cheaper in the end?

Certified arborist provide a high level of expertise and experience that will help you to tackle your tree service issues head on. This may be the real value. Hiring an expert is usually best in any profession if you want the job done right. Most of us have tried to hire people to save a few dollars that has ended up costing us way more in the end if we had just hired a professional to begin with.

What Do Arborists Offer?

You're going to want to know what services an arborist offers. A certified arborist offers many arboricultural tree care services. They also provide emergency service for those who deal with unexpected downed trees, as well as simple tree trimming and pruning services. They are able to testify and in insurance situation involving damage to a tree. They know how to value a tree's monetary worth. They know how to treat trees with a disease and what to do to protect trees from pest. Simply put they strive to keep our nation looking beautiful and green.

Verify they are a Certified Arborist

You want to know as much about an arborist company as possible. You want to know that you can trust them. Many states have associations that can help verify a tree service company's credentials.

Here you can ask if they are associated with the following associations. Are they a member of the International Society of Arboriculture. This will produce a good list. Always ask them for references! Then you will know you’re in good hands.

Our homes and gardens are an expression of who we are. The plants that we have reflect our personalities and offer beauty. The garden and yard can also be time consuming, hard to maintain and trees can need some special touches to look their best. An arborist can assist you with maintaining the look you want. Here are 4 things an arborist can do for you.

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Tree trimming

This can be a vital part of upkeep on trees. Whether it is for shape, growth or to keep branches healthy, an arborist can do this for you. Let's face it; trimming trees requires a special knowledge of growth and style of the tree. Sometimes, trees require trimming to maintain healthy growth or aesthetic look. These professionals have the knowledge and skill to keep that tree looking healthy and beautiful for years to come.

Tree removal

We like to keep our yards fresh looking. Removing old and damaged trees is a part of this. It also requires specialized equipment and removal from the property. Areas where there is high wind damage often see damaged trees. Parks and yards alike look ruined. By having your dead or damaged tree by a professional, you can make sure that the health of the planting ground is maintained.

Stump grinding

When you have a tree or large shrub that has been cut down, it leaves a stump behind. Getting rid of this stump can be time consuming, frustrating and sometimes expensive. Grinding the stump will help you get rid of remnants that can interfere with your enjoyment of your yard and help it to remain fresh and beautiful.

Trimming hedges

Hedges give a nice look to our property and can offer privacy. Keeping them trimmed so that they maintain their shape, remain in the area we want them and prevent infestations is an important part of having hedges. Regardless of height, hedges should never be allowed to grow unattended. Having a professional do this will help to ensure that the shape you wanted is not only maintained, but looks good too.

Having a beautiful garden and yard is a desire of most people. Sometimes we want trees or shrubs that require more maintenance than we can personally provide. The professional arborist is a person who can provide these services, helping to keep your yard looking beautiful. And a beautiful yard will give the impression of luxury.

Trees are valuable home assets, but sometimes you need to control their growth or face the risk of damage to your property. If you have issues with the trees on your property, you might not know whom to call for help. The professional who will provide all of the services you will need is called an arborist. Offered services include:

Tree Removal

Sick and rotting trees can cause major problems to your home and any vegetation around it. An arborist will have a few different options when it comes to removal services. There are standard, low-impact, and down-only options of removal. Standard options include downing the tree, disposing of the limbs, and cutting the parts suitable for firewood into 16-inch lengths. If the client decides they would rather not have the firewood, it can be removed for an additional fee.

TreeCareHQ Certified Arborist Near Me

Down-only removal options provide the same safety-conscious tree removal service, but the downed limbs will not be cut into firewood or moved for disposal. All cleaning is left to the homeowner in this option, but this does make it the cheapest option available to the homeowner.

Low-impact extrication options are designed with your property in mind. The tree is cut carefully into small pieces and lowered onto your yard so as not to cause damage. After the tree has been cut down, it will be chopped into smaller pieces and lifted off your property so as not to cause drag damage to your flowers or lawn. Occasionally, a crane may be required to properly complete this task. Your tree specialists will be able to offer you a free tree consultation to go over all of your removal options.


An arborist is also skilled at pruning the limbs and leaves of your trees. There are a number of techniques they can utilize depending on the effect you are looking to get out of trimming, including canopy cleaning, thinning, elevating, view clearing, dead branch removal, and restoration pruning.

Canopy cleaning removes all of the dead, dying, weak, diseased, and otherwise useless limbs off of your trees.

Thinning is a method of pruning that selectively eliminates branches and limbs to increase light penetration and air movement, as well as to reduce branch weight.

Elevating is a great way to provide more clearance for your outdoor activities. In this method of pruning, the lower branches are removed to give you more space.

View clearing and dead branch removal pruning methods are self-explanatory, but restoration pruning is not as obviously defined by its name. This method is for trees that have been damaged by storms, vandalism, or weak ground foundations. The aim of this method is to improve the appearance, structure, and form of the tree.

Besides removal and pruning services, your local tree doctor can also offer you a lot of other arborist tree services including stump removal, fallen and hazard tree removal, cabling, tree evaluations, and snow plowing in the locations that could benefit from this service. A good arborist can offer you peace of mind above all else. Trim that sick or dead looking branch before it falls through the roof of your house. Get in touch with your local professionals before you wish you had.

An Arborist can efficiently perform tasks necessary to improve or maintain the health, safety and appearance of your trees. Trees that are not pruned regularly will develop weaker, unsightly limbs and branches. Also, Working with large trees can be very dangerous especially if you don't have all the proper equipment and experience required for the job. Felling large trees unsafely can result in serious injury to people or damage to property. Most importantly, Arborists know what not to do to trees. They can offer valuable advice as you plan your entire landscape because they are specifically trained to work with individual trees. Caring for the trees in your yard can be a very big job and you may find that hiring an Arborist will save you time and money.

Arborists Help Your Trees Stay Healthy and Strong Through Regular Pruning

Beautiful backyard landscapes, if not maintained, can develop many problems over time. Trees that are left to grow without pruning will become over-crowded with dead and crossing branches or they may grow into nearby structures such as your house, garage, fence, power lines, etc. When wind pushes against your tree, it's limbs and branches will move great distances to avoid the full force of powerful wind gusts. Healthy limbs and branches are very strong and flexible in high winds, however, branches that rub against other branches in the wind, cannot develop properly and will break under ordinary stress conditions. Even large tree limbs can snap due to lack of tree maintenance, falling on nearby people or property. Branches that rub against your house, quickly destroy eaves troughs, shingles, and shatter windows.

Out-of-control branches may even snap utility service wires. Arborists can help keep your trees healthy and strong for many years so you and your family will be safe. Regular tree pruning is how:

Arborists Prevent The Spread of Insects and Disease. - Tree diseases thrive in dead decaying wood. Small, dead branches, if not removed, are the perfect place for fungi and other tree diseases to grow and spread into the rest of your tree. As diseases spread, larger sections of your tree will die and the disease will spread faster. Have your Arborist regularly remove all dead and dying branches from your trees to prevent the spread of disease.

Arborists Help Your Trees To Absorb More Sunlight

Over time dead branches build up inside the crown of your trees. Once a branch is dead it will take up valuable space and cast a shadow over other parts of your tree. As more and more dead branches accumulate, less and less direct sunlight will reach the living parts of your tree. As a result, your tree will expand outward and upward at a greater rate in order to get the sunlight it needs to survive. This kind of rapid growth is bad for two reasons. First, major limbs will grow long and skinny and may not be strong enough to support the weight of all their leaf-bearing branches that develop on top where sunlight is accessible. Second, your tree's rapid expansion will cause it to fill it's allotted space much sooner than normal resulting in crowded, overgrown trees in your landscape that will need to be removed. After Arborists remove all the dead branches from trees, more direct sunlight is able to reach all parts of them resulting in the proper development of major limbs and a much slower overall growth rate.

Arborists Keep Your Trees Beautifully Shaped to Benefit You and Your Community

The money you spend on regular Arborist visits is an investment that offers substantial returns. Great looking, healthy trees increase property value and ugly, unhealthy trees decrease property value. As your landscape matures over the years, the amount of care put into it will be easily noticeable by everyone who sees it whether they know anything about trees or not. The easiest way to get your trees working for you to increase your property value is to hire an Arborist.

Trees Get Big, Very Big.

Without regular pruning to keep your trees the height and shape that best suits your landscaping ideas, trees can get out of control before you know it. In most tree removal cases the story is always the same. Homeowners talk about how small their trees were when they planted them.



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