Training for a European Area of Justice


Welcome to the website of the Project "Training for a European Area of Justice" - TrEAJus. The Project is funded by the JUSTICE Project of the European Union and aims at:

  • Building legal professionals, especially laywers and mediators capacity to invoke the respective EU fundamendal righgts legislation, such as the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA and the EU legislation on personal data protection, in national and European context.
  • Promoting common standards of fudamental rights protection between European countries.
  • Ensuring a human rights based approach to traditional and alternative methods of dispute resolution.
  • Promoting new forms of cooperation, networking and synergies among academia, legal practionioners and stakeholders between european states with the aim of enhancing the coherent application of EU respective legislation and ensuring common standards for the consolidation of a European Area of Justice.


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This project was funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014 – 2020). The contents of this publication represent only the views of the Frederick University and is its sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains