Translation Hub is designed for organizations that translate a large volume of documents into many different languages. It is a fully-managed, self-service document translation service that uses both Cloud Translation API and AutoML Translation.

It utilizes machine learning to analyze your provided translated text pairs and develop a model that can translate new content in the same domain with a higher degree of accuracy than the standard Google pre-trained model.

Translate Application

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For a simple translated transcript of a video or audio, Speech-to-text API transcribes your video or audio with high accuracy into a text file that can be translated by the Translation API into different languages.

Authorized business users sign in and request translations through a Translation Hub portal. These portal users might be localization managers or content creators who want to rapidly translate documents.

In addition to the application form, each translated packet also includes application instructions, a parent letter/FAQ. We also provide a packet of communications documents to be used by State and local agencies for information sharing requests, income verification, and benefit issuance notices to households. State and local agencies responsible for administering the school meal programs may use these materials in their current form, or may adapt them as needed.

If all you need is to translate GUI and maybe resourcestring in sources, and the inline string constants in Pascal sources are not needed for translation, then you can try Delphi built-in method. However forums say that ITE is buggy. But at least that is official Delphi way.

There are also commercial tools. But i don't know if their features would help you on your initial extraction and translation tasks. They probably would be of much help when you need to mantain your large application translated to many languages, but not when you need to do one-time conversion. But maybe i am wrong, check their trial versions if you wish. By reviews those suites are considered among best of commercial ones:

The former takes advantage of the Windows resource support, resource loading can be redirected to a different one stored into a DLL when the application is started. The advantages are that whole forms can be localized, including images, colors, control sizes, etc. and not only strings. Moreover, no code change is required. The disadvantages are that end-user localization is not usually possible, and changing language without restarting the application may be trickier. Microsoft applications, including Windows itself, use this technique. It will work with any Delphi libraries that stores strings into resources and dfms properly.

The latter stores strings in an external "database" (it could even be a text file...). The advantage is usually that users can add/modify translations, and switching language on the fly easier. The disadvantages are this technique is more intrusive (it has to hook string loading/display) and may require code changes, tools are usually limited to string localization and don't offer broader control (images, sizes, etc.), and may not work with unknown controls/libraries they could not hook correctly. Usually cross-platform application use this technique because Windows-like resource support is not available on all operating systems.

You should choose the technique that suits you and your application best. Moreover some tools ease the collaboration with an external translator, while others don't. I prefer the resource-based approach because it doesn't require code changes and don't tie me to a given library.

We are using dxgettext (GNUGettext for Delphi and C++ Builder) and Gorm (from the same author). Mind you, most tools require you to use English as the primary language and translate from that only. dxgettext allows other languages but there are bound to be unknown problems with that. Be prepared that internationalizing a large applicatin will be more work than you currently think.

Hi! I created a Glide (classic) App - GGT GlideGoogleTranslator which translates the default text into several languages. I plan to set all the languages that Google translate offers. Check if it suits you:

Tip: If you log into the application, you can save yours translations!

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Microsoft Entra application proxy makes your on-premises apps available to users who are remote or on their own devices. Some apps, however, were developed with local links embedded in the HTML. These links don't work correctly when the app is used remotely. When you have several on-premises applications point to each other, your users expect the links to keep working when they're not at the office.

The best way to make sure that links work the same both inside and outside of your corporate network is to configure the external URLs of your apps to be the same as their internal URLs. Use custom domains to configure your external URLs to have your corporate domain name instead of the default application proxy domain.

The last option is only for tenants that, for whatever reason, can't use custom domains to have the same internal and external URLs for their apps. Before you enable this feature, see if custom domains in Microsoft Entra application proxy can work for you.

You can use Microsoft Edge to further protect your application and content. To use this solution, you need to require/recommend users access the application through Microsoft Edge. All internal URLs published with Application Proxy will be recognized by Edge and redirected to the corresponding external URL. This ensures that all the hard-coded internal URLs work, and if a user goes to the browser and directly types the internal URL, it works even if the user is remote.

When link translation is enabled, the Application Proxy service searches through HTML and CSS for published internal links and translates them so that your users get an uninterrupted experience. Using the MyApps Browser Extension is preferred to the Link Translation Setting since it gives a more performant experience to users.

After authentication, when the proxy server passes the application data to the user, Application Proxy scans the application for hard-coded links and replaces them with their respective, published external URLs.

Link translation is enabled for each application, so that you have control over the user experience at the per-app level. Turn on link translation for an app when you want the links from that app to be translated, not links to that app.

For example, suppose that you have three applications published through Application Proxy that all link to each other: Benefits, Expenses, and Travel. There's a fourth app, Feedback, that isn't published through Application Proxy.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to translate custom application menus? All the OOTB are fine by turning on Internationalization; however the custom menus aren't translating. I've tried to add "new" using the language needed and it turns comes out in English with the 2 code language after it. "KB Articles (Review within 10 days) fr" any help would be appreciated!

Can you be more specific? I activated the System Localization property to add prefixes and it points to the translated names/fields as a means to add the various translations of application menus and modules. Please let me know if I'm not understanding the requirements. Screenshots always help.

It uploaded to our Alteryx Server without any error and I can run it without any error but when I make it public and pass the link to someone else who has access to the server, it errors out with an Unable to translate the alias for the Database connection. I have included the connection under the "Manage workflow assets" when I save the workflow. I have access to the DB that is in the connection and those that have the link that have received the error do not. I thought by packaging the connection in there that they wouldn't have to have read access to the DB since the connection is setup on the server. Am I wrong in making this assumption?

We are on 2022.1. We are looking at using Gallery Connections in our company. The application was created and published to the Gallery with the connection included as an asset. I created the connection on the Gallery. I created a custom group which included an Active Directory group. I shared the connection with that group. My thought was this would work for all non-Designer / Gallery only users to run applications. When tested by a non-Designer / Gallery only user they obtain the "unable to translate alias" error. My goal is to make use of the Active Directory group as we have too many users to being sharing individually. Is what I'm trying to accomplish possible?

In the Translate app, you can translate text, voice, and conversations into any supported language. You can also download languages to translate entirely on a device, even without an internet connection.

Thanks for trying out the app and the review! Today, to re-translate, clear the relevant field in the app, save so it's blank, and then auto-translate again. But that should get easier early next year

When translating a resource, you can also localize the URL slug for different languages. Sitemaps will update to included translated URL slugs.Redirects will be created from default language urls to translated URLs when translated URL slugs are created.

You can use the Translate & Adapt app to automatically translate content. Automatic translations are provided by the Google Cloud Translation API. Before you publish translations to your storefront, you should review them for accuracy.

Policies aren't automatically translated, and you can only manually translate them. Consider consulting with a professional translator to ensure that your legal and policy pages have the most accurate translations possible. e24fc04721

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