Our state-of-the-art hyperspectral imaging systems operate across hundreds of wavelengths to paint precise portraits of this hidden world. Where a standard sensor with fewer than 10 broad bands is capable only of differentiating between general classes of vegetation, a hyperspectral imager can discriminate a maple from an oak, wheat from alfalfa, and is sensitive enough to separate healthy from unhealthy growth.

When Pamela Templer muses about silver white winters that melt into springs, she is thinking beyond the photogenic snowfall of show tunes and poetry to the complex natural world hidden beneath. It is a world in delicate balance, with soil nourished by dead leaves and rich in insect and other life that thrives in part because of snow.

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Never Fairies lived happily everywhere in Pixie Hollow for many years, till a battle destroyed the Pixie Dust Tree with a terrible fire that swept Never Land burning everything in its path. Pixie Hollow became only a small patch of Never Land's forest. Homeless, the Never fairies' found a new home in a towering maple tree that grows at the center/heart of Pixie Hollow, the Home Tree. Now, its trunk and limbs aglow with light form hundreds of tiny windows and doorways, for most fairies and sparrowmen live and work there, taking great care of it. As the Home Tree does not make Pixie Dust, the Dust-talent fairies make them in the Pixie Dust Mill molting Mother Dove's feathers.[1]

As monarch butterflies and hummingbirds headed south this fall, I dreamt of following my favorite snowbirds to Mexico and Central America. But I stayed home instead, where I have a window onto the spectacular world of winter wildlife: northern flickers tossing maple leaves with their beaks in search...

If there has been a time in the life of a man or a woman,when Reasonable Impulse has not been supplanted byUnthinking Love, then I am sorry for them, for they havemissed much. Everyone, young or old, should have somelittle green and fragrant memory hidden away from theworld, of spontaneous impulse, of surprised, uncalculatinglove.

But in spite of her seemingly practical interest in theworld, her heart was broken, and without any particularillness she died. It was a very poignant regret to methat she could not witness her own funeral, for she had alove of pomp and circumstance and a very keen senseof gratitude for manifest affection. The day she wasburied was golden with sunshine, a large gathering ofpeople followed the brave soldier to her last rest, andthere was an opulent luxuriance of flowers which wouldhave gladdened her appreciative spirit. Her coffin washidden in them, and carriage after carriage followed thehearse heaped with wreaths and crosses and hearts andpillows, and then quite small bunches of flowers fromhumbler friends, who had loved her and had receivedher sympathy and optimistic help. When the coffin waslowered into the grave, it rested on the hearts ofthousands of beautiful roses, and each flower containedlove and regret for one who had given so much love andloyalty to the world. e24fc04721

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