PAS 2020


  1. The pros and cons of the transition visit done as a telemedicine visit including:
    a. The high rate of connecting with adolescents and young adults by telemedicine vs in person visits.
    b. Increased willingness to discuss transition preparation in essence as disaster preparedness and in the face of possibly having to go to the ER alone and not knowing the medical information needed
    c. Problems of privacy when having a telemedicine visit

  2. Most are not transferring patients right now and waiting until Pandemic calms down

  3. Reverse transition is happening for some patients who return to pediatric providers right now when they can not reach their new adult provider

  4. New Family Took kit for transition from Got Transition

  5. National Geographic article (need paid subscription to get )

  6. Group commented that Zoom allowed Participation of individuals who otherwise would not have been able to attend the SIG meeting if it was in person