LS 3

You can follow the scenario as it is outlined, but please feel free to adapt it to better suit the specific learning needs of your students. 

Consider this scenario as a flexible guideline that you are free to edit.

This scenario is centred around 2D/3D/AR/VR.

Authors of the scenario:

Daniela Brogna, Evangelia Kontopidi, Lidia Ristea, Maria José Pereira , Rui Soares 

LS 3_Monuments in 2D:3D Artifacts - Sustainability 4 the Future.pdf

If you are registered on Novigado  you can retrieve the scenario there too and edit it further in your account. Please note that this is not mandatory.

Link to the scenario on Novigado (make sure to be logged in first):
Monuments in 2D/3D Artifacts - Sustainability 4 the Future