Who can join the peer support group?

Trans*, non-binary, and questioning individuals between 18 to 35 years old can sign up for the support group. 

Can I join if I am not a student or graduate from Leiden University?


I am not sure if I'm ''trans'', can I still join?

Yes, our peer support group is open to anybody who is questioning and/or exploring their gender identity. 

Is the session free?


Where is the location?

The center of the Hague. For safety reasons, the exact location will only be shared with participants.

What can I expect from the peer support group as a participant?

You can expect coffee, tea, snacks, cookies and other trans* peers that want to talk about our experiences with being trans*.

Who facilitate the peer support group?

The sessions are led by two trans* students from Leiden University. These students were trained by professional psychologists from CARE. This training was made possible by a financial grant of a JEDI Fund (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Fund of the Faculty of Humanities) 

Can I bring someone else along?

To facilitate the best peer support group, we have a limited number of participants that can join. Unfortunately, you are not able to bring somebody else along. 

Is there a waiting list for the peer support group?

Yes, you can reach out to us for a spot on the waiting list. Keep in mind that we cannot guarantee that there will be another run of sessions. 


*We define trans* as anyone who is not-cisgender, this includes trans, non-binary, genderfluid, gender-nonconforming and gender-questioning identities.