About us 

About us 

We are a group of trans, non-binary, and gender-questioning space holders working toward creating a supportive community in The Netherlands. We are based in Leiden & The Hague and are supported by Queer Leiden University.

The project was initially funded through The Jedi Fund of Leiden University's Faculty of Humanities and the Leiden University Fund (LUF). We received training and ongoing supervision by the licensed psychologists of CARE Support Groups

Our first group successfully ran from October 2022 to February 2023. Our next group will run from October 2023 to February 2024. 

Our Values

Community Care




Meet the Team

Ramech Muon

Co-Founder and Advisor.

Founder and former president of Queer Leiden University. Community organizer and sustainability consultant. 

Jules Capdouze


Co-Founder and Facilitator.

Former chair of Leiden University College: LGBTQIA+ (2021-22). Student of queer theory and care politics.

Pip van Egten

Co-Founder and Former Facilitator.

Faculty of Humanities Alumni. Representative and Secretary of Faculty Advisory Group for Diversity & Inclusion (2021-22). 

Greta Blengino


Co-leader of Queer Leiden University and former chair of Leiden University College: LGBTQIA+ (2022-23). BA in Culture, History, and Society and now student of International BSc Psychology at Leiden University.

Agnese Ferrante



Co-leader of Queer Leiden University and former Educational Manager at QLU. BA in Psychology and now MA in Health and Clinical Psychology Research at Leiden University. 

Gina Agapiou



Safer Space Facilitator and Event Manager at Queer Leiden University. Freelance journalist focusing on human rights issues and pursuing an English Literature and Culture MA.

Join the team!

We are looking for facilitators who are interested in helping other trans, non-binary, and questioning people.

Send an email to 
