Embark on a desperate mission through the depths of a war-torn wasteland and unforgiving landscape of Siberia. Command a legion of soldiers desperately trying to make their way home amidst the chaos of civil war. Lead them through the unforgiving wilderness onboard an armored train.

In a special feature in the April issue of Physics World, Downie describes his five best demos of all time, all of which use everyday equipment to illustrate fundamental physics concepts. Downie describes how his fondness for the five experiments comes from the fact that, with a bit of creativity, each one can be easily adapted to explore physical concepts further. In the digital edition of the April issue, each demonstration is accompanied by a video in which Downie walks you through how you would present each demonstration to an audience. Full details of how to access the digital edition are available at the bottom of this article.

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In this final demo of the series, Downie uses a model train set equipped with an ultrasound emitter to demonstrate the Doppler effect. Employing a bat detector to convert the ultrasound signal into an audible sound, Downie illustrates how the pitch increases as the train steams towards him, and then decreases as it moves away. The train set brings a potentially dry subject to life and Downie uses the set-up to explain how bats utilize the Doppler effect when hunting for prey.

Physics World represents a key part of IOP Publishing's mission to communicate world-class research and innovation to the widest possible audience. The website forms part of the Physics World portfolio, a collection of online, digital and print information services for the global scientific community.

We are open-sourcing the entirety of Dolly 2.0, including the training code, the dataset, and the model weights, all suitable for commercial use. This means that any organization can create, own, and customize powerful LLMs that can talk to people, without paying for API access or sharing data with third parties.

To the best of our knowledge, this dataset is the first open source, human-generated instruction dataset specifically designed to make large language models exhibit the magical interactivity of ChatGPT. databricks-dolly-15k was authored by more than 5,000 Databricks employees during March and April of 2023. These training records are natural, expressive and designed to represent a wide range of the behaviors, from brainstorming and content generation to information extraction and summarization.

We knew from the OpenAI research paper that the original InstructGPT model was trained on a dataset consisting of 13,000 demonstrations of instruction following behavior. Inspired by this, we set out to see if we could achieve a similar result with Databricks employees leading the charge.

PLEASE NOTE: This website is a demonstration only website for the Specialty Toys Network program. The products shown are for training and demonstation purposes only. You may place a test order, but it will not be processed.

This website is a demonstration website for the Specialty Toys Network (STN) program. If you are looking for a new website please contact us at 503-434-9706 or sales@stoysnet.com. (This is a test from Joe)

In Voidtrain, you play as an engineer who gets lost in a snow blizzard and takes shelter in a nearby barn. After getting inside and flipping an inconspicuous switch, a giant triangular portal opens up and sucks them in. Finding their bearings, they realise they've been transported to a strange interdimensional area called the Void, an expanse of gravity-less space that has a curious singular train track running through it. A Stanely Parable-esque narrator is your only travel buddy, but instead of dialogue dripping in sass and irony, the tone here is more in-line with a golden age action film narrator, all pomp and banter.

Voidtrain has the typical survival game crafting tree for cart upgrades, starting off with a smelter to make iron and copper, a research table to unblock new tech, and so on. I quickly settled into a nice rhythm: I would move the cart along until I saw some nice building materials, put the brakes on to dive off the side and grab all the junk, then swim back and start up the cart again as I crafted. Swimming around in the void isn't awkward at all, and getting to and from the cart is as easy-peasy thanks to a rope tether so you can pull yourself back.

Leave everyone in the dust. Future-proof your workforce by reflecting updates to your training even before your production environment is complete.

Your employees now have more time to train and always practice with the latest features.

For new software rollouts, accelerate adoption by delivering a realistic version of your software to your business people months before go-live.

Even if a sandbox came for free with your software, the costs and time to configure and maintain multiple environments for training or localization represent a tremendous and needless expense.

With Assima, you can unlock substantial savings by creating simulations that grant you the realism of a dedicated training environment but without the maintenance and frustrating data refreshes.

Earlier this month as part of the League of American Bicyclists National Bike Summit, Amtrak provided a demonstration of their bike equipment to attendees. According to Amtrak, in 2016 their trains carried more than 30,000 bicycles on 31 routes. My colleague, Erin Potter, and I learned about three types train cars that have been retrofitted to carry bikes with roll-on/roll-off service. No longer do you have to box your bike up to bring it along with you!

The second type of train car is the Superliner Coach-Baggage Car, in which the unused space from the smoking cabin has been fitted with vertical hanging bike racks. The bikes are secured with a tie-down strap and can be locked in place using a standard u-lock. This space can fit up to 8 bicycles per car, and even has space for non-standard bikes like recumbents, cargo bikes or your favorite mid-fats mountain bike. This type of car is available on the Capitol Limited line which goes out to Chicago.

Experience SANS Cyber Security Training through course demos, available for 65+ courses. Preview course content, see our top instructors in action, evaluate difficulty level, and try out our OnDemand training platform.

SEC497 is based on two decades of experience with open-source intelligence (OSINT) research and investigations supporting law enforcement, intelligence operations, and a variety of private sector businesses ranging from small start-ups to Fortune 100 companies. The goal is to provide practical, real-world tools and techniques to help individuals perform OSINT research safely and effectively.

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Many organizations have logging capabilities but lack the people and processes to analyze them. In addition, logging systems collect vast amounts of data from a variety of data sources which require an understanding of the sources for proper analysis. This class is designed to provide training, methods, and processes for enhancing existing logging solutions.

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Today's world of cyber security moves quickly. Cloud security moves even faster, so getting started or moving into a career in this field can be intimidating if you do not have the foundation to be successful. SANS SEC388 solves this problem by helping you to learn the foundational elements of modern cloud computing and security. This course kicks off your journey to becoming a SANS Cloud Ace by taking an introductory yet critical look at cloud security. This course focuses on Azure and AWS, and shows you how to interact with each cloud provider by familiarizing you with common terminology, cloud services, security concerns, and solutions to cloud-based security shortcomings. Through hands-on labs, SEC388 puts you in real-world scenarios that challenge you to learn more about AWS, Azure, and relevant cloud computing and security concepts.

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