Navigator & Adventurer Resources

Navigator & Adventurer Resources

Forms and Checklists

Badge and Service Hour Submission Form - Turn this in to Mr. Jann two weeks prior to each Court of Honor

Badge Tracking Sheet Individual (PDF) - Use this form to track your badges earned. Print the PDF and complete by hand. See below for editable version.

Badge Tracking Sheet Individual (XLS) - Use this form to track your badges earned. You can edit the fields in this version save to your computer.

Camping Nights Tracking Sheet - Use this form to track your camping nights for the Camping badge and Outdoor Life badge

Checklist for Outdoor Adventures - Handy guide of basic necessities for various outdoor events

Grubmaster Meal Planning for Patrol Campout - Form to complete as you are planning meals for a weekend campout; Must be approved by adult leadership before shopping

Grubmaster Meal Planning for Troop Campout - This form is more detailed to help you plan meals for a troop level campout; Must be approved by adult leadership before shopping

Member permission slip

Non-member permission slip

Price Lookup Table for Troop Camping Shopping

Trailer Use Checklist - This will guide you in tidying up the trailer after each use

Camping Recipes

Banana Boats

Brown Bears

Caramel Popcorn

Chicken Soup


Dutch Oven Apple Crisp

Dutch Oven Berry Crisp (EASY)

Dutch Oven Lasagna

Fajita Lime Chicken

Funnel Cake

One Pot Pasta with Sauce

Taco meat