Trail Life USA
Troop FL-0031
Viera, FL
How to Join
Register with Trail Life USA and pay fee of $37.97 per boy.
Begin the registration process by expressing your interest in joining to our Troopmaster Jann King, while at our check-in table on Thursday nights, or by emailing the troop at You will receive a link from Trail Life Connect to register your son(s) and pay the $37.97 fee. The registration fee is to be paid annually on the anniversary date of joining Trail Life USA and is paid directly to Trail Life USA, not the local troop.
Complete the paperwork.
Each Trailman must turn in a Child Medical Form and a Swimming Competency Test annually. Any lifeguard at a public pool may complete this form and the required testing. Our troop offers a group test in late May. All adults participating in any activities, such as going on camping trips, must also turn in an Adult Medical Form. Please turn in this paperwork to our Health and Safety Lead, Becky Womack.
Pay the Troop Dues of $70 per boy (Woodlands) or $80 per boy (Navigators & Adventurers).
Troop Dues are due in two installments in October & February, for each troop year. (A Troop Year is the same as a school year - i.e. 2023/2024). If you have any problems with paying or need to pay by check, please see our Treasurer, Philip Barone. Payment may be made through your financial institution via Zelle to
Order your uniform. Navigators & Adventurers also order your Trailman Handbook.
Uniforms and Handbooks can be ordered at the Trail Life USA Shop. We have a uniform box for parents to donate outgrown uniforms and offer these for sale at a deep discount. Proceeds support the troop. Ask at the check-in table on Thursday nights if you'd like to see what uniforms are available.
Becoming an Adult Leader or Registered Adult
Adults wishing to participate or adults wishing to lead and have direct contact with our boys will also need to register with Trail Life USA (the national organization) and pay a $43.19 registration fee. As a condition of joining, adults will undergo a background check, be required to pass a child protection safety class, sign the Trail Life USA statement of faith, and turn in the Adult Medical Form. Please speak with our Troop Master to begin this process. Our troop is run by parent volunteers. Please prayerfully consider how you can serve the troop.
We recommend each boy have a Trail T-shirt for fun, casual activities. The moisture wicking short-sleeved t-shirts are particularly comfortable.
Woodlands: Green shirt
Navigators: Grey shirt
Adventurers: Blue shirt
The full uniform should be worn for award programs, participation in flag ceremonies, parades and other community events.