
ぜひ素敵な写真を撮って【Instagram : toyo_tuep】までお送りください!

当日写真を送ってくださった方,または #TOYOイルミ をつけてInstagramに投稿してくださった方にはTUEPオリジナルグッズをプレゼント!!

②TUEPに写真を送る or #TOYOイルミ をつけてInstagramに投稿する



On the day of the Christmas Festival, we'll be featuring the illumination photos taken by all of you! Please send us your wonderful photos to Instagram : toyo_tuep

Participants who share their photos on the day or send them to us, including the hashtag #TOYOイルミ, will receive TUEP original merchandise as a token of appreciation!

[Merchandise Gifting Criteria]

1. Take a photo with the illumination.

2. Send the photo to TUEP or post it on Instagram with the hashtag #TOYOイルミ.

[Merchandise Distribution Location]

- Beside the hedges in front of Building 5

[Distribution Time]

- 17:15 to 18:15


企画 : TUEP
公式HP :  https://sites.google.com/toyo.jp/tuep/home
Instagram : toyo_tuep