TLTD strives to maintain a balance of social gatherings, activities, work parties, and events that meet the varying interests of the membership. Communication with our 375 members is accomplished with the publication of The TRAILDUSTERS GAZZETTE along with monthly membership meetings during the riding season and our website,

We urge all active snowmobilers who live by, or travel on our trails to join the Town Line Trail Dusters Snowmobile Club today.


  1. To promote safe snowmobiling as sport and recreation.
  2. To develop and maintain trails within the Boscawen/Penacook/Webster area.
  3. To provide good conduct, sportsmanship, safety and conservation practices.
  4. To coordinate local snowmobiling activities with land owners, Town Officers and State Officials to ensure maximum benefits for the enjoyment of snowmobiling.

About TLTD Board of Directors

President - Scott Shibles, Scott is a guy who accomplishes LOTS, he works hard to make the most of everyday, and when it is a club event, Scott is always found in the thick of "hard work" Scott is a great asset the the TLTD board of directors. who enjoy's trail projects.

VP - David Murray brings to the board a unstoppable energy (as long as it’s something he believes in) The co-owner of Murray Farms Greenhouse he also has a business sense, his most notable quality is to convince just about anybody to do anything. His passion is landowner relations, trail development, and bridges of all types.

Secretary - Kieth Cassettari

Treasurer / Trail Administrator- Peggy Pierce love of snowmobiling dates back many years, Peggy has worked in banking and finical services industry for a long time. Peggy and her husband David are on the Easter Seals ride-in committee. Peggy at times seams tight fisted with the club funds but that's a great quality to have, she is very qualified for her position.

Director- Vern John is back as a Director after a few season off break, Vern brings good record keeping skills to the club and is a retired firefighter paramedic from the Concord FD A snowmobiler for many years he and his brother Wes are commonly found riding together "everywhere"

Director - Scott Hill has been on the board for several years Scott’s passion for the sport has also been his lively hood having worked in the snowmobile industry in the past. Currently Scott’s work allows him weekend time to enjoy trail development and riding during the winter months. Scott is quick to offer his hand at anything to help the club out.

Director - Bill Marcotte a retired Captain from the Concord Fire Department Bill is a man that will easily leave men half his age in the DUST weather he is hiking, running, or clearing brush. Quiet spoken with a good poker face he is often roaring with laughter on the inside. Bill has a “leadership” quality that will complement the club in many ways.

Tom Gilmore – Tom comes to the board with a wealth of knowledge, especially when it comes to town politics and landowner relations. Tom can be found Sunday mornings working tirelessly with the trail crews.

Director - Corey Martin a "import" from the west coast Cory is new to snowmobiling, Corey by far is the "greenest" member of our board a beginner to say the least. Corey is as dedicated to or sport as anyone. He is always found doing anything possible to lend a hand on trail projects. Corey is a "listener" but also brings a great balance to the board

Trail Master -Eric Monroe, Trail Master – Eric is a power house of energy. He brings his mechanical abilities, operator abilities, and direction to the board. Whether grooming, repairing equipment, cutting trails, attending meeting, building bridges, or just making things more fun, Eric will be in the middle of it.

Trail Master - Reggie LaClair, Reggie come to the board with a valuable back ground, especially in truck driving, Reggie takes his job seriously and strives to make trails as safe and enjoyable as possible. He is commonly found in the Tucker groomer during the grooming season.