
Thursday, 17 JUNE



If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter (attributed to Blaise Pascal).

Thought is only a flash in the middle of a long night. But this flash means everything (Henri Poincaré).

Gongshow is a format where the participants have a chance to give short talks:

  • Each talk will be 7 minutes long

  • The end will be marked by the sound of a gong.

  • The spirit of this competition is based on the proposition that an idea does not need more than just a few minutes to be explained. It is an exercise that forces the speaker to be concise and to get quickly to the main point.

  • The deadline to register for the gong show is Friday 28th May (Deadline extended to 11th of June)


Grab a mug and relax a bit while participating in a topology-themed quiz.

Participants will be split into teams of 4.

There will be prizes kindly sponsored by the Institute of Mathematics and Their Applications.