
What is Anger and Anger Management?

Emotions include anger. You experience extreme wrath and impatience in this stage. Like happiness or sadness, anger is a normal emotion, but too much of it can have negative effects on your life, your relationships with other people, and even your profession. The fact that you are upset is both acceptable and healthy. Having too much rage, though, can harm your health while it signals your regular growth. There are countless reasons why someone could become furious. When you have to stand in line, you could become irate. You could become irate if someone disobeys your instructions, among other things. There are many things that can drive you crazy with other people on any given day. However, if you frequently lose your temper over little matters, you need to pay attention. To control your anger, you absolutely need to practise anger management. There are various strategies you can use to control your anger. To regulate and deal with your anger, you can even seek out for anger management therapy.

What are Anger Issues?

· Angry outburst can lead to medical conditions such as headache and stroke even.

· An unblown sense of self-importance is the source of anger.

· Anger is present when a person feels some physical danger or is under painful situation.

· When angry, a person wants to end his pain or hurt

· Pain arouses due to hurt (real of imagina ry). This hurt can also be vicarious, that is, about others rather than self.

How Anger Affects You?

Even though rage is only a feeling, anything in excess is destructive. Anger can seriously hurt both you and those around you. You may be impacted in several ways. Let's explore.

1. RELATIONSHIP: - Anger can cause trouble and arguments in your relationships.

2. WORK: - It is very difficult to work in an environment when you are constantly angry or aroused

3. HEALTH: - Anger can both affect your physical and mental health. Some even harm themselves in anger.

4. SURROUNDING PEOPLE: - People around you are also affected by your anger. They will not like to spend time with you or discuss about your personal or professional life.

Symptoms of Anger Issues

· Increased heart rate

· Feeling hot (hyper)

· Sweating

· Trembling or Shaking

· Tightness in the chest

· Stomach – Churning

· Clenching jaws or grinding.

· Tense Muscles

How to cope with anger?

Here are some of the methods:

· Practice meditation and yoga

· Do deep breathing exercises

· Speak out all that is in your mind after you are calm

· Before you speak in anger, analyse what you are speaking

· Think before getting angry, that is the topic even relevant to you

· Take some time off and be in a space which is calm and peaceful

· When angry, don’t think about problems but a solution

· Don’t carry the baggage of people with yourself and forgive them

· Seek the help of a counsellor.

Read more: Best Doctor Anger Issues in Ludhiana

How to come out of depression?

Definition: Depression is formally explained as a disturbance in the mood. In this person may feel low, emptiness and loss of energy in daily life activities? It may be due to some triggers or sometimes due to increased thoughts and emotions which can work against the person.

Reason: Lots of things can increase the chance of depression, including the following:

· Any kind of physical and emotional abuse can later on lead to depression.

· After certain age group person may feel like depressed symptoms.

· Not having good diet may also lead to depressed symptoms in the human being.

· Any kind of negative thoughts may lead to depressed symptoms.

· Any kind of mental trauma related to any situation may lead to depressed symptoms in later on life.

· Any kind of grief may lead to depressive symptoms.


There are certain chemicals imbalances in the body and brain which may lead to disturbance in mood. There are biological abnormalities in patients with mood disorder. The monoamine neurotransmitters – nor epinephrine, dopamine, serotonin and histamine were the main focus of theories and etiology of the depression. When these chemicals are not in balance in the brain then it may lead to depressive symptoms and can cause mood disturbance and disorder.


Following are the sign and symptoms of the depression:

· Looses interest in all pleasurable activities.

· Does not want to talk to anyone.

· Negative thoughts are there which may cause disturbance to the patient.

· Change in the behavior.

· Losses a sense of control.

· Over thinking.

· Low and empty feeling.

· No or less socialization.

· No personal grooming.

· Disturbance in sleep and appetite.

· Sadness all the time.

· Feeling of worthless and hopeless.


There are some techniques which we can use or practice to come out from depression.

· Firstly, we have to find out triggers for the depression and try to work on them by minimizing them so that we can control our depressive symptoms.

· We have to stay motivated and focused on our goal.

· We always try to be in the present situation not in the past because the main reason of depressive symptoms is that when we are in past thoughts it can cause disturbance in the mind.

· We have to try mindfulness and meditation to clear our mind thoughts. It is one of the effective ways to cope up from depressive symptoms.

· We have to keep positive thinking about life.

· Stay motivated.

· We have to train our mind to cope up from the situations that is causing distress to our mind and behavior.

· We have to maintain good diet.

· We have to start socialization to keep our mind busy and do not focus on the triggers.

· We can start behavior activation for the patients to cope up from depression.

· Clearly start any kind of physical work in daily life routine to keep mind and body in working position.

· We can also start Cognitive behavior therapy for the patients to cope up from depression.

Read more: Depression doctor in Ludhiana

What is sleep disorder?

As we know sleep is very important to carry day to day routine and for proper and healthy mental health.

Disorder that prevents you from getting restful sleep can generally cause restlessness, daytime sleepiness.

However, we can ourself analyze, either we are having sleep disorder if: -

  • There is difficulty in sleeping regularly

  • Feeling of tiredness during the day

  • Having problem in performing regular daytime activities

  • As we know sleep is very important to carry day to day routine, healthy life style and mental health.

  • But deprivation of sleep can hinder normal routine such as, work routine (professional and personal) and health.

Sleep disorder can occur due to many reasons such as, because of medical conditions, like depression, anxiety, parasomnias, obstruction sleep apnea.

Different types of sleep disorders.

Insomnia: - inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep. It can be caused due to jet lag, stress, anxiety, hormones or digestive problems.

Insomnia is classified into 3 types

1. Chronic

2. Intermittent

3. Transient

Sleep apnea: - characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. It is a serious condition that causes body to take in less oxygen.

Parasomnias: - It causes abnormal movements and behavior during sleep.

Restless leg syndrome: - it is an overwhelming need to move the legs. This urge is sometimes accompanied by a tingling sensation in the legs.

Narcolepsy: - characterized by “sleep attacks” that occur while awake. This means that you will suddenly feel extremely tired and fall asleep without warning.

Symptoms of sleep disorder can be: -

Episodic (lasts from 1 to 3 months)

Persistent (lasts from 3 or more months)

Recurrent (with two or more episodes within a year)


Sleep disorder can be diagnosed by a physician by observing patient’s medical history, any kind of substance misuse, depression and other physical and mental illness. Thus, it also involves physical exam, sleep diary and a sleep study.

Sleep study also called Polysomnography, records your brain waves, oxygen level in your blood, heart rate and breathing as well as eye and leg movements during the study.

There are other techniques as well which can help a person to regulate sleep cycle. It includes: -

Relaxation Techniques: - used before bed times and can be helpful for insomnia.

Mind and Body approaches: - mindfulness, meditation, yoga, massage therapy.

Herbs and dietary supplements.

Sleep Hygiene: - Stick to sleep schedule

Avoid naps especially afternoon Exercise daily

Pay attention to bedroom environment and your mattress. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and heavy meals in the evening.

Read more: Best psychiatrist doctor in Ludhiana

What triggers anxiety? The Causes That Could Surprise You

It is important to determine the triggers that cause anxiety. Knowing what triggers your anxiety will help you manage anxiety.

The mental illness of anxiety is problem that can trigger anxiety, worry or tension. For certain people anxiety may also cause panic attacks and physical symptoms like chest pain.

What triggers the anxiety disorder and other anxiety-related disorders is complex. It's possible that a mix of factors, such as genetics and environmental factors are involved.

It is clear that certain emotions, events or experiences can trigger symptoms of anxiety at first, or cause them to get more difficult. These triggers are referred to as triggers.

Anxiety triggers may differ for every person, however there are many common triggers among people suffering from these disorders. The majority of people have several triggers. However, for certain people anxiety attacks may occur without cause whatsoever.

This is why it's crucial to identify any anxiety triggers you might have. Recognizing the triggers, you experience is an essential step to manage your anxiety.

Read on to learn more about these anxiety triggers as well as how you can control your anxiety.

1. Health concerns

A health issue that is distressing or difficult, like cancer or chronic illness, could create anxiety or even increase the severity. This kind of trigger can be extremely powerful due to the immediate and personal emotions it creates.

It is possible to reduce the anxiety caused by health problems by taking a proactive approach and engaging with your doctor. Therapy sessions with a therapist can also prove beneficial, since they can help you understand how to manage your feelings around the diagnosis.

2. Medicines

Certain prescription and over-the counter (OTC) drugs can cause anxiety symptoms. The reason is that the active ingredients contained in these medicines can cause you to feel uncomfortable or unwell.

These feelings can trigger an array of thoughts and actions in your body and mind that could trigger additional signs of anxiety.

Some medications that could cause anxiety could include:

  • Birth Control Pills

  • Medicines for Congestion and Cough

  • Weight Loss Medicines

Discuss with your doctor how these medications affect you feel. Then, think about an alternative that won't increase anxiety or worsen your symptoms.

3. Negative thinking

Your mind is the primary control for your body. This is especially true for anxiety. If you're angry or upset your words to yourself could trigger higher feelings of anxiety.

If you find yourself using many negative words in your thoughts about yourself, then learning to shift your focus on your words and thoughts when you begin taking this route can be beneficial. Therapy sessions with a therapist is extremely helpful in this process.

4. Skipping meals

If you don't eat and drink enough, your blood sugar could fall. It can result in nervous hands and a grumbling stomach. It could also cause anxiety.

Consuming balanced and healthy meals is essential because of a number of reasons. It gives you vital energy and essential nutrients. If you aren't able to make the time to eat three meals per day, eating healthy snacks is ideal to help prevent lower blood sugar levels, symptoms of agitation or nervousness, and anxiety.

Tips to identify triggers

If you recognize and identify your triggers you can avoid them and deal with. You can develop specific strategies for coping with the triggers whenever they occur.

Here are three suggestions for identifying the triggers

  • Create your Journal: Write down when you feel anxious and write down the events that you believe caused the trigger. Some apps can help monitor your anxiety too.

  • Get therapy with a therapist: The triggers that trigger anxiety can be difficult to pinpoint however the mental health professional is trained to assist you. They might employ journaling, talk therapy or other techniques to pinpoint triggers.

  • Be honest about you: Anxiety can cause negative thoughts and self-adjustments that are not as good. It can make it difficult to identify triggers due to anxiety-related reactions. Keep calm and be open to examining aspects of your past to see how they impact your present.


The occasional anxiety is normal however, persistent anxiety, fears or dread aren't. These are signs that you need to seek out professional assistance.

The positive side is anxiety is a treatable mental health problem. But many who suffer from anxiety do not seek treatment.

If anxiety is affecting your daily life, it's time to look into seeking assistance. A mental health professional will help you determine an approach to treat your symptoms. They can assist you in overcoming the anxiety triggers.

Read more: Best anxiety disorder doctors

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

OCD is a thought process, Cognitive and Perception issue when someone suffer with OCD, the person feels urges to perform certain routines /acts /rituals as a compulsion repeatedly or has certain uncontrollable thoughts or urges. while suffering with OCD person is unable to control either the thoughts or compulsions for more than a short period of time.


Early Sign and Symptoms:

Common symptoms are Impulsivity, Compulsive repetitive behavior, sometime meaningless repetition of own words, social isolation, Agitation, feeling persistent anxiety, Panic Attack, feeling Guilty, Hyper vigilance about body functioning, nightmares, certain thought which might create perspiration randomly, repeated intrusive thoughts, other Symptoms may include:

1· The fear of falling ill due to the contamination of germs and bacteria.

2. Fear of losing control

3· Paying extreme attention to symmetry, order

4· Apprehensive approach in day-to-day life like expecting negative


5· Fear of harming self or someone closes one especially family member

6. Violent and aggressive intrusive thoughts, visuals & images

7· Having excessive beliefs about morality like things must be or should be by them self.

8. Doubt about whether they have lock properly like gate lock, turn off tap, light switches, gas nob, car lock, almirah lock, another electronic device like laptop or mobile

9. feeling losing valuable article like gold, mobile, keys, money etc.

10. Doubting what if they have posted inappropriate, personal information on social media.

11. Intrusive thoughts related with sexual thought, images, visual, doing sexual activity with God or someone within family or close one,

12. Trying to do things or task in perfect & best possible way

13. Persistent unclear suspicion of something bad will happen

14. Hyper vigilant about their own bodily function like pulse rate, heart rate, swallowing, sensation in leg, hand, eye, stomach, shoulder and other body movement.

15. Having the doubt whether they have shut down electronic device laptop, mobile, email properly or not

16. Intrusive thought related with their own gender whether they are male or female

17. Doubt whether they are gay or bisexual or lesbian or about their sexual preference.

18. Doubting about their own photo and video someone will take and post on internet for inappropriate use and their name will defame.

19. Mistrust with partner like they will leave them or have doubt their

partner will have other relationship.

20. Having the doubt their learn skill they will loose like writing skill,

painting, sports related skills, whether good study habits will remain with them or not or they will forget.

21. Doubt related with own existence with mindset like why they are

living & why people are living, what is need to live. related with existence.

22. Having the doubt whether God exist in universe.

Symptoms Related with Compulsion in OCD

Early Sign of Compulsion:

1. Doing rigorous cleaning of hand, legs, face, arms. Cleaning household material, person things repeatedly & frequent. complain about others is not maintaining cleaning & forcing others for cleaning.

2. Trying to do continuous worship in different way throughout the day more than 3 hours.

3. Trying to check their electronic device if something they might have post by mistake.

4. Trying to seek reassurance from family members about their own safety and others in family members safety related questions repeatedly and not getting satisfy even after dozens of reassurances from care giver.

5. Trying to maintain high level of perfection, trying to do at best else feel restless.

6. Try to validate if their intrusive thought is happening or not from different sources.

7. Trying to arrange things multiple times and not getting satisfy.

8. Trying to check different locked item multiple time and not getting satisfaction and trying to validate from self and others and remain bother out of those compulsion.

9. Doing certain act and ritual in unique way regardless of need

10. Counting numbers, things, floor tiles, houses number, and something which other might not need to do or following certain pattern but even after doing feeling restless.

11. Avoiding places, situations, people, group and certain social media and television channel and episode.

Can OCD Be Cured?

OCD is a perception issue related to thought processing and cognitive issues. So, it is very important to prioritize and take your OCD sufferer to a therapist/Psychologist who can help in cognitive restructuring. Psychological Intervention is the first choice of treatment instead of visiting a psychiatrist or doctor. Medicine does not 100 % OCD cure. Therapies intervention is a permanent solution and cure. Getting therapy sessions as a treatment will help to prevent further worsening impact of OCD like disrupting activities, poor daily routine and overall quality of life. OCD is completely curable and recoverable with dedicated effort by your client, therapist and family members with strategic planning and execution of therapy implementation.

OCD patients have lower vitamin D levels than healthy controls. Vitamin D may play a role in the pathophysiology of OCD and may be related to the severity of the disorder. Vitamin D is crucial not only for bone health but for proper brain development and functioning. Vitamin D is essential for brain development and maintenance of normal brain function. It also plays an important role in cell proliferation and differentiation in the central nervous system (CNS). There are studies reporting that vitamin D deficiency may be associated with neuropsychiatric diseases.

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