Machine Learning

I completed Andrew Ng's Deep Learning Specialization consisting of five courses by on Coursera.

Most of the work is done during the 10-week internship in Summer 2023 at PineBridge Investments, where I served as a Quantitative Research Consultant. I will present below an autoregressive machine learning model to predict and rank stock prices, using publicly available data. The method was introduced in the paper "Empirical Asset Pricing via Machine Learning." A sample code used to generate these results are available in github.

Due to limited time and computational resources, I am not able to implement the full model presented in the paper. Nonetheless, even as a "first" try using a three-layer neural network (NN3), my ML model achieves an overall SR (Sharpe Ratio) of 1.30 for equal weighted portfolios (competitive with the paper's SR of 1.20 for value weighted portfolios and 1.57 for equal weighted portfolios excluding stocks below 20th percentile on NYSE cap weights).

Conclusions of comparing three-layer Neural Network (NN3) and Ordinary Least Squares using 3 factors (OLS3)

Here are some detailed results. 

Pred: predicted monthly returns; Avg, Std: average, standard deviations of realized monthly return. All numbers are annualized; Equal weighted portfolios; Red Number: H-L SR

Sharpe Ratio for all stocks (NN3 vs OLS3)

Bottom three tables: three independent NN3's which are used to compute NN3 ensemble

Top left: NN3 Ensemble, which takes the average output of three individual NN3's

Top right: OLS3

Average Return Trajectory (all stocks)

NN3 classifies low and high returns stocks better and shows clearer upward trend

Sharpe Ratio for large cap stocks (NN3 vs OLS3)

Bottom three tables: three independent NN3's which are used to compute NN3 ensemble

Top left: NN3 Ensemble, which takes the average output of three individual NN3's

Top right: OLS3

Average Return Trajectory (large caps)

NN3 classifies low and high returns stocks better and shows clearer upward trend

Sharpe Ratio for small cap stocks (NN3 vs OLS3)

Bottom three tables: three independent NN3's which are used to compute NN3 ensemble

Top left: NN3 Ensemble, which takes the average output of three individual NN3's

Top right: OLS3

Average Return Trajectory (small caps)

NN3 classifies low returns stocks better and shows clear upward trend

2. Stable Diffusion (to be updated)

This project (Slides) is supervised by Professor Tyler Maunu. A more detailed writeup will be updated in the future.