Tonny Menglun Kuo, PhD 郭孟倫 助理教授
Assistant Professor
Interdisciplinary Program of Management and Technology (IPMT)
College of Management and Technology
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
國立清華大學 科技管理學院學士班 助理教授
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Ph.D., Business Administration, National Tsing Hua University, 2016-2021
國立清華大學工商管理學博士M.A.(Hons), Learning Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, 2014-2016
國立清華大學學習科學碩士B.A.(Hons), English Instruction, National Tsing Hua University, 2009-2014 (Minor: digital learning, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages with oversea internship)
Research Specializations
Management of Service Organizations 服務組織管理
Service Marketing and Consumption 服務行銷與消費
Chinese Organization Behavior 華人組織行為
Online Learning Service 線上學習服務
Quantitative Business Analytics 量化商業分析
Professional Communities
臺灣工商心理學學會 (Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology ):創發前瞻性之工商心理學知識,厚植專業人才之學養為主旨,進而提升工商心理學之整體學術能量,促進學術研究者與實務工作者攜手合作,共創未來,使本學會成為一流之工商心理學專業交流平台。
台灣服務科學協會 (Service Science Society of Taiwan, s3tw):服科學會期望透過發展台灣服務科學社群,匯聚產官學研的能量,推動「服務科學與服務創新」扎根與推廣工作,提升台灣的服務經濟的競爭力,增進社會幸福與永續發展。
台灣人機互動學會 (Taiwan Association of Computer-Human Interaction):人機互動協會以結合從事人機互動設計相關之學術及實務工作等人士及團體,共同推廣人機互動設計和研究,並促進國內外人機互動設計相關組織與人員之交流與活動。
IEEE:IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
Field Experiment, Social Network Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Multilevel Modeling, Mixed Method Design, Design-Based Research
Computer Skill
R, SPSS, Gephi
President Scholarship (清華大學校長獎學金), National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2016-2020)
Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Award (斐陶斐榮譽學會,The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society), National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2016)
Best Oral Presentation Award (Traveling with Table-To-Farm Events: Model Conceptualization and Testing through the Theoretical Perspective of Mental Time Travel), International Conference on Tourism Sciences 2023, ICTS2023 Organizing Committee, Japan. (2023)
Best International Conference Paper Award, Office of Research and Development, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2016)
Best Graduate Student Paper Award at 3rd ESBB (English Scholars Beyond Borders) international conference, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan, (2016)
Best Paper Award in Cross-disciplinary Humanity Studies at 2016 Tsing Hua Postgraduate Academic Forum, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2016)
Award for Outstanding Performance in Secondary Curriculum Design (ESOL), TOP (Teacher of Promise), Center for Teacher Education, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2016)
Award for Outstanding Performance in Secondary Curriculum Design (ESOL), TOP (Teacher of Promise), Center for Teacher Education, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2015)
Tonny Menglun Kuo is an Assistant Professor at the Interdisciplinary Program of Management and Technology (IPMT) of the College of Management and Technology at National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan). He earned a PhD in Business Administration, an MA in Learning Sciences, and a BA in English Instruction, all from NTHU. He also serves as a research fellow at the Center for Social Network Research at Tsinghua University. His specialties include service marketing and management, organizational behavior, and the intersection of positive psychology and technology-supported learning. He takes pleasure in applying diverse techniques and methods, such as field experiments, predictive analytics, and multilevel modeling, to explore emerging service and organizational issues.
He is extremely interested in working with industry partners to solve real-world problems. He believes that phenomena breed sciences and theories are derived from the practice and authentic contexts. He has worked with service firms and organizations to develop state-of-the-art online services such as ShareCourse (Taiwan’s MOOC platform) and MyTaiwanTour (Tavel Agency) for human capital development. He has also worked with AsiaYo (an O2O firm) to provide data-driven solutions for service optimization.
Given today’s turbulent business environment, he holds interdisciplinary mindsets. He is trained in (1) business analytics (social network analysis, behavioral big data, structural equation and multilevel modeling), (2) service design and innovation (design thinking, human-computer interaction, design-based research), and (3) industrial organizational/educational psychology. He was also trained in TESOL/TCSOL (teaching English and Mandarin Chinese to speakers of other languages), learning technologies (BA in TESOL/ MA in learning sciences) before he decided to study business.
His previous experiences include working as a research assistant responsible for projects in technology-enabled service design and development (MOOCs and employee training platforms), scale development (cross-disciplinary competence, online academic hardiness), data-driven solutions for service optimization (identifying high-risk transactions). He also served as an instructor and teaching assistant to guide practitioners to learn the methodology of service innovation and pre-/in-service teachers to design the technology-supported learning environment.
Leadership emergence in Chinese self-managing teams: Status attainment and social network perspectives. Unpublished doctoral dissertation.
華人自主管理團隊的領導崛起:地位獲取與社會網絡的觀點Applying MOOCs/SPOCs to promote deeper conceptual understanding in life science via design-based research. Unpublished master's thesis.
Professional Experience
Affiliated Assistant Research Fellow, Center for English Medium Instruction Excellence, Office of Academic Affairs, NTHU (2023-present)
Assistant Research Fellow, Center for Teaching and Learning Development, Office of Academic Affairs, NTHU (R&D Alternative Service - Year 2-3) (2023-2024)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Humanity and Social Sciences, NTHU (2023-2024)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Education, NTHU (2022-2023)
Professional Development Mentor (online learning, instructional design, English medium instruction, and MOE Teaching Practice Research Program), NTHU (R&D Alternative Service - Year 1) (2021-present)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Teaching and Learning Development, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2021-2023)
Research Fellow, Division of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (2020-present)
Visiting Fellow, Center for Social Network Research (CSNR), School of Social Science, Tsinghua University, China. (2018-2019)
Research Assistant, New Southbound Project (Business and Management, MOE-funded), Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2018)
Research Assistant, Tourists analysis of 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade (with MyTaiwanTour), Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2016-2017)
Research Assistant, Social signals in online learning environment (MOST-funded), Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2017- present)
Research Assistant, MyTaiwanTour Life Curator Project (MOST-funded), Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2016-2017)
Research Assistant, Integrating MOOCs/SPOCS to improve learning effectiveness (MOST-funded), Institute of Learning Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2015-2016)
Research Assistant, Digital Humanities: VR/AR in Tsing Hua Digital Mei Yuan (MOST-funded), Institute of Learning Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2015-2016)
Research Assistant, Assessment of Transdisciplinary Core Competencies: Scale development (MOE-funded), Department of Education and Learning Technology, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2014-2015)
Research Assistant, Teaching English as a lingua franca in Asia, Department of English Instruction, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2013-2014)
Honors, Awards, and Grants
NSTC Grant for The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2023), National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Taiwan (112-2914-I-007 -009 -A1) (2023)
MOE University Alliance MOOC Project: Promoting Online Learning and Innovative Application Project (NTD. 13,920,000) 教育部數位深耕計畫大學專項(以清華為中心學校,陽明交大、政大、中央、聯合、中華為夥伴學校建立「連結升級:UST台聯大數位學習聯盟」),撰寫、執行、輔導夥伴學校,並建立台聯大聯盟教師數位能力架構與培訓系統。(2022-2023)
Best MOOC Award, Ministry of Education, Taiwan (Course title: Business Analytics Using Forecasting by Prof. Galit Shmueli) (contribution: instructional designer) (2022)
Best Excellent Performance, MOE Teaching Practice Research Program, (Course title: Contemporary Cognitive Neuroscience: Brain and Mind by Prof. Chuan-Chin Chiao), Ministry of Education, Taiwan (contribution: data collection and analysis) (2021, 2023)
MOST Grant 1st International Conference on Digital Learning Strategies and Applications, DLSA 2015, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan (MOST-104-I4FA0400054) (2015)
Award for Team Collaboration in Cross-cultural Edutainment Project (Team Mentor), Korean Ministry of Education and Institute of APEC Collaborative Education (IACE), Busan, Korea. (2014)
MOST Grant for 25th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2017), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan (MOST-106-2922-I-007-361) (2017)
Travel Grant for 21st Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2017), Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2017)
MOST Grant for 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2016), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan (MOST-105-2922-I-007-178) (2016)
Travel Grant for 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2016), Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2016)
Travel Grant for 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2016), Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2016)
Travel Grant for APEC Future Education Forum, Korean Ministry of Education and Institute of APEC Collaborative Education (IACE), Busan, Korea (2014)
Emergency Medical Technician (I), National Conscription Agency, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan (2021)
Certificate of Completion, Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation (TRREE), Clinical Trials Centre (The University of Hong Kong) and Bioethics & Law Center (National Tsing Hua University), Taiwan. (2018)
Certificate of Completion, Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education, Taiwan. (No. 105020235-2) (10 hours training) (2018)
Certificate of Completion, Multilevel Modeling Research Design and Data Analysis Workshop, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2018)
Certificate of Completion, Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education, Taiwan (No. 105020235) (2017)
Certificate of Participation, Korean Ministry of Education and Institute of APEC Collaborative Education (IACE), Busan, Korea. (2014)
Certificate of Teaching Assistant Training, Center for Teaching and Learning Development, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2014)
Certificate of Medical Research Ethics Training, Taiwan. (2014) NO. 20140520-90
Certificate of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL program), Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, National Hsinchu University of Education, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2014)
Certificate of Internship in teaching Chinese Language and Culture, Samantabhadra Institute of Cebu, Cebu City, Philippines. (2013)
Contributor, the Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College (BEST), Higher Education SPROUT Project (Ministry of Education Taiwan), NTHU (2023-present)
Point of contact, the Evaluation of Distance Education (Online Learning) at Taiwan University by the Ministry of Education, NTHU (2023)
Contributor, NTHU Artificial Intelligence Task Force, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2023)
Research Paper Reviewer, Higher Education Research & Development
Self-Learning Mentor, Self-Learning Presentation and Evaluation, HuKou High School, Hsinchu County (May 18th, 2023)
Self-Learning Mentor: Presenting My self-learning outcomes, Liou Jia Senior High School, Hsinchu County (May 8th, 2023)
Self-Learning Mentor, Impressive oral presentations, Liou Jia Senior High School, Hsinchu County. (December 26th, 2022)
Self-Learning Mentor, How to Write Self-Learning Plans and Explore Different Domains, HuKou High School, Hsinchu County. (November 28th, 2022)
Self-Learning Mentor, Different Independent Learning – Use NTHU MOOCs to Brave the Future, Liou Jia Senior High School, Hsinchu County. (October 31st, 2022)
Program Committee Member, Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2021, GCCCE 2022, GCCCE 2023)
Research Paper Reviewer, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (2021-present)
Research Paper Reviewer, Information and Learning Sciences (2021-present)
Program Committee Member, International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2019) (2018-present)
Program Committee Member (Big Data in Education and Learning Analytics), IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2018), 2018-present
Research Paper Reviewer, British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI journal), 2018-present
Research Paper Reviewer, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) (SSCI journal), 2016-present
Research Paper Reviewer, Computers & Education (SSCI journal), 2015-present
Judge, NTHU K-12 Mandarin Teaching Lesson Plan Competition, 2016-2017(清華大學華語中心少兒華語教案比賽評委)
Host and Master of Ceremony, ILS Graduation Ceremony, 2015
Host, ILS Christmas Party, 2014-2015
Vice-chairman, Student Association of Institute of Learning Sciences (SAILS), National Tsing Hua University, 2015-2016
Head of Academic Affairs, Student Association of Institute of Learning Sciences (SAILS), National Tsing Hua University 2014-2015
Receptionist (foreign speakers), International Conference on Educational Innovation (ICEI), 2014-2015
Volunteer EFL Teacher, Zhubei Dong-Xing Elementary School, 2014-2015
Chairman, Student Association of Department of English Instruction (SADOEI), National Hsinchu University of Education, 2010-2011
Vice Chairman, Student Association of Department of English Instruction (SADOEI), National Hsinchu University of Education, 2011-2012
Volunteer EFL Teacher (English Summer Camp), Hsinchu Guang-Hua Junior High School, 2010
Volunteer EFL Teacher (English Summer Camp), Hsinchu Pei-Ying Junior High School, 2010
National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), 2020-present
11220KHCT100700 Big Data Analytics: Concepts and Practice (巨量資料分析:概念與實務), College of Education, NTHU
11210KHCT101700 Practical Approaches to Educational Data Mining (資料探勘在教育的實作), College of Education, NTHU (Fall 2023, Teaching Evaluation: 5 out of 5)
11120KHCT100700 Software Practice for Big Data Analytics: R Programming, College of Education, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (Spring 2023, Teaching Evaluation: 4.86 out of 5)
Design Thinking Workshop, Exploring ESS (by Prof. Shun-Chi Wu,), College of Nuclear Science (Spring 2023) (Instructor)
Contextual Inquiry in Interaction Design, Tsinghua College (Workshop, Fall 2020)
Design Thinking Workshop, MBA, College of Technology Management (Spring 2021)
Consumer Questionnaire Design, Tsinghua College (Workshop, Fall 2021)
Introduction to Service System Modeling, Tsinghua College (Workshop, Fall 2021)
Seminar (Master level) (Fall 2021)
Teaching/ Curriculum Assistant
National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), 2014-present
Business Case Analysis, MBA, College of Technology Management (Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021)
Digital Innovation and e-Commerce, Institute of Service Science (Spring 2018)
Organization Behavior, MBA, College of Technology Management (Fall 2017)
Seminar (Master level), Institute of Service Science (Fall 2017, Fall 2019, Fall 2020)
Social Network Analysis and Management, Institute of Service Science (Spring 2017)
Business Analytics Using Forecasting, Institute of Service Science (a Massive Open Online Course on FutureLearn) (Fall 2016)
Innovation & Design of Service System, Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (Fall 2016)
Systems Neuroscience (Spring 2016)
Cellular Neuroscience (Fall 2015)
Seminar (I)(II), Institute of Learning Sciences (Fall 2014, Spring 2015)
E-Learning, Institute of Learning Sciences (Spring 2015)
English Grammar (Teaching remedial classes, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2013)
Mandarin Training Center, National Taiwan Normal University, 2011-2013
Level 3&5 (Intermediate to Advanced)
Mandarin teacher trainer
Chinese Language Center, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), 2015-2017
Task-Based Language Teaching for Young Learners(兒少華語任務型教學與應用)
Differentiated Instruction Strategies for K-12 Mandarin Teachers( 兒少華語差異化教學策略)
Thematic Language Curriculum Design and Practice (兒少華語主題式課程設計與實作)
Educational Psychology and Differentiated Instruction for K-12 Mandarin Teachers(少兒心理學與差異化教學策略)
Multimedia Resources for Mandarin Teaching and Learning (華語多媒體教學資源)
Technology Enhanced Chinese Learning(科技輔助華語教學)
Teaching Young Learners: Activities for Mandarin Teachers(少兒華語教學活動設計妙點子)
Kang Hsuan Educational Publishing Corporation, 2016
Workshop: Design and Practice of Task-based Language Teaching for K-12 mandarin teachers (少兒華語任務型活動設計與實作)
Workshop: Active Classrooms! Implementing mobile technologies in flipped Mandarin Classroom(教室動起來!行動科技應用於翻轉華語教室)
Chinese Language Center, National Cheng Chi University (NCCU), 2015.7
Technology Enhanced Chinese Learning: How ASSURE Model Improve Curriculum Design
Digital Resources for Chinese Learning &Teaching: Collection, Classification, and Use
Chinese Language Teacher
EMO CAMP Study Cooperation, 2012-2013
Samantabhadra Institute of Cebu, 2012-2013
English Language Teacher
WenYang Institute, 2014-2015
Yehlaoshi Institute, 2010-2012
Administrative Regulations: Making & Amendment
National Tsing Hua University's Pilot Directives for the Three-Minute Thesis English Research Presentation Competition
國立清華大學Three Minute Thesis (3MT) 英語研究簡報競賽試行要點 (2024)National Tsing Hua University’s Pilot Program for English-Medium Instruction Mentoring Professional Development
國立清華大學英語授課專業成長伴飛計畫試行方案 (2024)National Tsing Hua University Pilot Program for Rewarding Excellence in English-Medium Instruction Teaching Assistants
國立清華大學獎勵精進英語授課教學助理試行計畫 (2023)Integrating Ethical Guidelines for Generative AI into NTHU Course Syllabi
國立清華教學大綱AIGC倫理聲明指引 (English, Chinese) (2023)Guidelines for Collaboration, Co-learning, and Cultivation of Artificial Intelligence Competencies in University Education大學教育場域AI協作、共學與素養培養指引 (English, Chinese) (2023)
Regulations of Distance Learning Courses at National Tsing Hua University
國立清華大學遠距教學課程實施辦法 (Chinese) (2023)Enforcement Rules for the Implementation of Digital Courses at National Tsing Hua University 國立清華大學數位課程施行細則 (Chinese) (2022, 2023)
Regulations of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) at National Tsing Hua University
國立清華大學磨課師(MOOCs)課程實施要點 (Chinese) (2022, revised)National Tsing Hua University's Pilot Program for Incentivizing Deeper Learning through Digital Teaching Design 國立清華大學獎勵教師深化數位教學試行方案 (2022)
National Tsing Hua University's Pilot Program for Encouraging Students' Digital Self-learning
國立清華大學獎勵學生數位自學試行計畫 (Chinese) (2022)Five-Stage Guidelines for Online Course Design and Development at National Tsing Hua University 國立清華大學線上課程設計與發展五階段指引 (Chinese) (2022)
NTHU Online Course Self-Evaluation Form
國立清華大學遠距課程教師自評表 (English, Chinese) (2021)NTHU Reminders and Procedure for Offering an Online Course
國立清華大學遠距教學課程開課作業及提醒事項 (English, Chinese) (2021)