Peer review papers

[10] Tomita & Hiura (2024) Brown bear digging decreases tree growth: implication for ecological role of top predators in anthropogenic landscapes. Ecology 105: e4266  

[9] Ito, Katsushima, Tomita, & Matsumoto (2022) Infanticide or predation? Cannibalism by a brown bear in Hokkaido, Japan. Ursus 33: e13. (Corresponding author)


[8] Tomita (2022) Millipedes diving into a small tributary. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20(4): 239-239


[7] Tomita & Hiura (2022) Negative effects of brown bear digging on soil nitrogen availability and production in larch plantations in northern Japan: their potential role as an agent of bioturbation. Pedobiologia. 91-92: 150807

[6]  Tomita & Makoto (2021) Development of experimental mesocosms for cicada nymphs Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata: methodology and research recommendations. SOIL ORGANISMS 93: 207-212.  (open access)


[5]  Tomita (2021) Camera traps reveal interspecific differences in the diel and seasonal patterns of cicada nymph predation. The Science of Nature 108: 52 


[4]  Tomita & Hiura (2021).  Disentangling the direct and indirect effects of canopy and understory vegetation on the foraging habitat selection of the brown bear Ursus arctos. Wildlife Biology 2021: wlb.00886.  (open access)


[3]  Takinami,  Ishiyama,  Takafumi, Kubo, Tomita , Muku  &  Nakamura  (2021). Young citizen sensors for managing large carnivores: lessons from 40 years of monitoring a brown bear population. Conservation Science and Practice 3: e242 (open access)


[2]  Tomita & Hiura (2021). Reforestation provides a foraging habitat for brown bears (Ursus arctos) by increasing cicada  Lyristes  bihamatus density in  the Shiretoko World Heritage site. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 205-212. 


[1]  Tomita & Hiura (2020). Brown Bear Digging for Cicada Nymphs: a novel interaction in a forest ecosystem. Ecology 101: e02899 

一言:初論文。EcologyThe Scientific Naturalistsという新設コーナーに掲載

Non- peer reviewed English or Japanese papers  

[1] Tomita & Hiura (2020). Brown Bear Digging for Cicada Nymphs. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 101 (1), e01633

[2] 富田幹次(2024)書評「野生動物のロードキル」、日本生態学会ニュースレター (

[3] 富田幹次(2024)私とクマ、子育てと文化のネットワーク・さが 65 

[4] Tomita & Hiura (2024). Ecological consequences of animal behavior change: A case of brown bear digging for cicada nymphs. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America

[5] 富田幹次(2024)なぜ九州にはクマがいないのか?子育てと文化のネットワーク・さが 66

[6] 富田幹次 (印刷中)食物網 、哺乳類学の百科事典、丸善出版


(1)  国際学会

(2)  国内学会

(3) その他シンポジウム等



Peer review service

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology; Journal of Mammalogy; Ecological Entomology
