Douglas T, ‘An In-Principle Case for Mandatory Vaccination’, Lex-Atlas: COVID-19, 29 April 2021. 

Douglas T, ‘There is No Fundamental Ethical Objection to Vaccine Passports’, The Brussels Times, 27 February 2021.  

Douglas T, 'Biased Algorithms: Here's a more radical approach to creating fairness', The Conversation, 21 January 2019.

Douglas T, ‘Should a Rapist get Viagra or a Robber get a Cataracts Op?’, Aeon, 7 July 2017.

Douglas T, ‘It’s Not Always Wrong to Pay People for their Organs’, The Conversation, 8 June 2017.

Douglas T, Devolder K, 'Asbestos, the Quiet Kid Who Turns out to Be a Serial Killer' [in Dutch], Knack [Belgian Magazine], 3 March 2016.

Douglas T, ‘Why the Health Threat from Asbestos Is Not a Thing of the Past’, The Conversation, 21 December 2015.

Douglas T, ‘A Cure for Crime?’, Oxford Philosophy, 2014; 5: 24–7.

Savulescu J, Douglas T, ‘Artificial Life Means Man Can Truly Play God’, ABC, 4 October 2010.

De Crespigny L, Douglas T, Textor M, Savulescu J, ‘Abortion Laws Don’t Reflect Public Opinion’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 July 2010.

Douglas T, Savulescu J, ‘The Creation of Artificial Life’, ABC Unleashed, 21 May 2010.


'Could vaccine requirements for entering pubs be wrong, while closing pubs altogether is OK?', 4 Dec 2020.

'Should PREDICTED smokers get transplants?', 18 April 2018.

'Asbestos neglect', 21 Dec 2015.

'What’s the moral difference between ad blocking and piracy?', 9 Oct 2015.

'Should we punish crimes from the distant past?', 8 May 2015.

'Iterated in vitro reproduction and genetic orphans', 2 Oct 2014.

'Destroying one ecosystem and constructing another: biodiversity offsetting and particular value', 23 Jun 2014.

'Living near a busy road can kill you', 14 Apr 2014.

'What’s wrong with adopting out an adopted child?', 9 Sept 2013.

'Journal of Medical Ethics special issue on the ethics of stem cell-derived gametes', 24 Apr 2013.

'Treating ADHD may reduce criminality', 23 Nov 2012.

'Hillsborough, Heysel and the availability bias', 18 Sep 2012.

'Animal antibiotics', 18 Apr 2012.

'Which is least unethical -- buying a Mac, or buying a PC?' 14 Mar 2012.

'Taking drugs to help others', 20 Dec 2011.

'How to feed people dioxin and get away with it', 25 Jan 2011.

'Benefit cuts for large, workless families', 12 Oct 2010.

'Whether to die, or when to die? The distinction between assisted suicide and ‘aid in dying’,' 14 Jun 2010.

'Venter creates bacterium controlled by a synthetic genome', 20 May 2010.

'Should bio-scientists think about bio-weapons?', 17 May 2010.

'Is your fingerprint part of you?', 20 Nov 2009. 

'Wealth versus happiness', 21 Sep 2009.

'What’s special about selling gametes?', 28 Jul 2009.

'How bad are heatwaves and flu epidemics?', 1 Jul 2009. 

'Neonatal euthanasia without parental consent', 5 Jun 2009.

'Compulsory chemical castration for sex offenders', 27 Oct 2008.

'Bailing out banks', 10 Oct 2008.

'A nasty dilemma for NICE', 3 Sep 2008.

'Cold and calculating NICE', 7 Aug 2008.

'Testing alternative therapies', 18 Jul 2008. 

'Paying to top up NHS treatment', 11 Jul 2008. 

'Is there a duty to execute prisoners humanely?', 12 June 2008. 

'Conditional gifts for the NHS', 30 May 2008.

'Genetic discrimination and the future of health insurance'. 1 May 2008.

'Trading on testosterone: Doping and the financial markets', 18 Apr 2008.

'', 27 Mar 2008.

'Remembering what happened vs. remembering what it meant', 18 Mar 2008.

'Neuro-babble', 21 Feb 2008.

'Funding cuts for homoeopathy', 30 Jan 2008.

'A presumed consent system for organ donation', 24 Jan 2008.

'Feeling good about the failure of others', 28 Nov 2007.

'Lie-detection using functional MRI', 19 Nov 2007.


'Compulsory Treatment or Vaccination versus Quarantine', Journal of Medical Ethics Blog, 12 May 2020. 

Flouting Quarantine’, The Ethical War Blog, 24 March 2020.

Engineering a Consensus: Edit Embryos for Research, Not Reproduction’, Oxford Martin School Blog, 2 Dec 2015, with C Gyngell, J Savulescu.

Could We Use Drugs to Become More Moral? Should We?’, Wellcome Trust Blog, 11 May 2011. An abbreviated version of this was shortlisted for the Wellcome Trust Science Writing Prize 2011.


Clarke L, ‘Would a Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine be Ethically Justified?’, New Statesman, 16 December 2020.

Langford E, ‘Ticket To Normal Life or Threat to Freedom? Why Coronavirus 'Vaccination Passports' Might Not Be a Simple Way Forward’, PoliticsHome, 7 December 2020. 

Swarbrick T, ‘Experts Tell MPs Compulsory Covid Vaccines Can Be Made Legal’, LBC, 11 November 2020. 

A Group of Academics Say the Government Should Seriously Consider Compulsory COVID Vaccination’, The Voice, 9 November 2020. 

English R, 'Compulsory Vaccination – The Next Step for Covid-19?’, UK Human Rights Blog, 5 November 2020. 

Keller B, ‘Bioethics in a Pandemic: Vaccine Research and Clinical Trials’, The National Law Review, 16 September 2020. 

Sample I, ‘Scientists Use Stem Cells from Frogs to Build First Living Robots’, The Guardian, 13 January 2020. 

Hendricks S, ‘When is a Quarantine Justified? A Group of Philosophers Offers an Answer.’, Big Think, 18 September 2019.  

Einbinder N, ‘Alabama’s State Legislature Just Passed a Bill to Chemically Castrate Child Sex Offenders’, Business Insider, 5 June 2019. 

Ross D, ‘Drugs to Make Us Moral’, radio interview with Brian Earp on Files with Dave Ross, Kiroradio, 23 August 2016. 

Fenwick C, ‘Asbestos Remains Major Health Hazard’, Care2, 8 April 2016.

Cook M, ‘Debate Begins over Ethics of Genetic Editing’, BioEdge, 5 December 2015.

Fabiano J, ‘Effort, Psychological Continuity, Human Enhancement and Superintelligence’, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Bioethics Research Library, (syndicated) 8 July 2015.

Crisp R, ‘Punishment and Memory’, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Bioethics Research Library, (syndicated) 20 May 2015. 

Ungureanu L, ‘Românii care fac morală la Oxford’, Adevarul, 22 November 2014.

McDonald C, ‘Cognitive Enhancement Devices – Can Accessories Really Make You Smarter?’, Computer Weekly, 4 August 2014.

Stevens S, ‘Blurred Lines’, Otago Magazine, 2014; 39: 28–30.

Smith W, ‘Eugenics Is Shifting from Killing the Disabled to Genetically Enhancing Kids’, LifeNews, 29 July 2013.

Cook M, ‘Spread the Love: A New Principle for Procreation in the Age of IVF’, BioEdge, 27 July 2013. 

Cook M, ‘Stem Cells – Nobel Prize Rewards Shift in Stem Cell Research’, Issues, December 2012.

Jha A, ‘Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012: As It Happened’, The Guardian, 9 October 2012.

‘Nobel Prize for Medicine Goes to John Gurdon for ‘Pluripotent Cells’, The Week, 8 October 2012.

Cuthbertson M, ‘Morality in a Pill: Can Science Create a Drug that Improves your Ethics?’, The Sheaf, 14 September 2011

De onde vem o mal?’ [Where does evil come from?’], Galileu (Brazilian science and technology magazine), July 2011.

Pop a Pill and Become Moral – Really!’, Osho News, 13 April 2011.

Gudme PN, ‘Forskere vil holde os på dydens sti med piller’, Politiken, 12 April 2011.

Racist? Angry? The Answer May Be in a Pill’, Sydney Morning Herald, 7 April 2011.

Hill A, ‘Manipulating Morals: Scientists Target Drugs That Improve Behaviour’, The Guardian, 4 April 2011.

Soutphommasane T, ‘Promise and Pitfalls of a Superhuman Future’, The Australian, 8 January 2010.

Cassidy K, ‘Scientists Create Synthetic Life in Lab’, Sky News, 21 May 2010.


'COVID19 and the Ethics of Infection Control', podcast with Jonathan Pugh and John Danaher (host) on Philosophical Disquisitions, 25 March 2020.

Ads Suck. Are Ad Blockers Worse?’, Beme News (CNN YouTube Channel), 14 March 2018.

Tom Douglas on the Current Danger of Asbestos’, video interview on the Practical Ethics YouTube channel, 3 April 2016.

'Tom Douglas on Using Neurointerventions in Crime Prevention', video interview on the Practical Ethics YouTube channel, 1 May 2017.

Refusing to Treat Sexual Dysfunction in Sex Offenders’, podcast from the Conscience and Conscientious Objection in Healthcare Conference, 24 November 2015. 

The ethics of neurointerventions in crime prevention,  ‘Nine to Noon’, Radio New Zealand National, aired 19 January 2015.

'Should We Allow Genetic Engineering on Embryos?’, Pratical Ethics Bites (a series of podcasts for high school students), published 28 October 2012.

Shortcuts to Morality’, Perspectives in Bioethics Conference, University of Belgrade, 13-15 October 2011. 

Choosing Tomorrow’s Children’ Conference, 30 October 2010, (from 21:49).

UK Parliamentary podcast ‘The Flip Side of Scientific Freedom’, August 2009.