Jan M. Tomczak

Jan M Tomczak

Priv.-Doz., PhD

Vienna University of Technology

Research experience

2019 - now Privatdozent (permanent), TU Wien (Austria). Leading a senior research team in Prof. K. Held’s Computational Materials Science group; Project Lead and Co-Project Lead of independent projects funded by FWF.

2018 - 2019 Senior Scientist (permanent),TU WIen.

2013 - 2018 Universitätsassistent (senior research associate), TU Wien. Led a team in Prof. Held’s group. Responsibilities include leading research projects on correlated materials, designing and supervising student and postdoc projects, and designing and delivering (under)graduate lectures. Project Lead of independent, projects funded by FWF.

2009 - 2013 Postdoctoral researcher with Prof. G. Kotliar, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (USA). Developed and applied state-of-the-art methodologies to study thermoelectric properties of correlated semiconductors and intermetallics as well as the nature of correlation effects in iron-based pnictides and chalcogenides. Led collaboration with Ecole Polytechnique (Profs S. Biermann / A. Georges) to explore rare earth-based pigments as well as with experimentalists in Brookhaven National Laboratory (Prof. M. Aronson), the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (Prof. F. Steglich) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Prof. P. Sun) on semiconductor and iron-based compounds.

2008 - 2009 Postdoctoral researcher with Dr. T. Miyake and Prof. F. Aryasetiawan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan). Studied effective many-body descriptions of correlated materials using GW approximation and random-phase approximation.

2007 - 2008 Postdoctoral researcher with Prof. S. Biermann, Ecole Polytechnique (France). Investigated optical properties of oxide-based materials for energy-saving applications using dynamical mean-field theory.


2019 Habilitation (venia docendi) in Theoretical Physics, TU Wien.

2007 PhD in Theoretical Physics, Ecole Polytechnique (France).

2004 Master in Condensed Matter Physics / DEA de Physique de Solides et Milieux Denses, Ecole Doctorale de Physique de la Région Parisienne (France).

Research Funding

2020 Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Stand-Alone Project (€396K, 2020-2023).
Co-Project Lead (
with Emanuele Maggio) "BandITT - Band Interpolation and Topology Toolkit"
(P33571 Einzelprojekte).

2017 FWF Stand-Alone Project (€339K, 2017-2021).
Project Lead “Simulating Transport Properties of Correlated Materials”
P30213 Einzelprojekte).

In my spare time...

One might find me clicking away on the street or in nature (SmugMug).