Meet the Team

Tomczak Group at King's College London (UK) & Senior Research Group at TU Wien (Austria, embedded in the Held Group).

Jan M. Tomczak

Senior Lecturer
(King's College London)
jan.tomczak 'at'


Priv.-Doz., FWF Project Lead
(TU Wien)

jan.tomczak 'at'

Harry Tomlins

PhD Student

(King's College London)

Matthias Pickem

PhD Student

(TU Wien)

matthias.pickem 'at'

Andriy Smolyanyuk


(TU Wien)

Alumni (order of appearance; latest first)

Emanuele Maggio (postdoc & project lead), now at Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Napoli, Italy.

Léo Gaspard (Master's student), now at Université Toulouse III Paul-Sabatier, France.

Daniel Springer (postdoc), now at Institute of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence, Vienna, Austria.

Angelo Valli (postdoc), now at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.

Anna Galler (PhD student; co-supervised), now at Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany.

Key External Collaborators (alphabetical)

Silke Biermann, Ecole Polytechnique / Collège de France.

Johan Chang, University of Zurich.

Karsten Held, TU Wien.

Takayoshi Katase, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Cyril Martins, Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, Université Toulouse III.

Priscila F. S. Rosa, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Giorgio Sangiovanni, University of Würzburg.

D.D. Sarma, Indian Institute of Science.

Frank Steglich, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids.

Peijie Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Alessandro Toschi, TU Wien.

Angelo Valli, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.