
Investigating various hyperparameters and preprocessing steps for improving the "reproducibility" of Segmentation and Genome Annotation Algorithms (SAGAs), towards decoding the language of our DNA.

A low-cost and scalable data collection platform for studying insect behaviour and improving sustainable agriculture. My project at UBC's PIEE Lab under Dr. Quentin Geissmann.

An autonomous firefighting "home" robot to reduce fire response times. Bronze at Canada-Wide Science Fair.

Building a variational autoencoder and Gaussian process model to predict evolutionarily and industrially relevant properties of proteins.

Reproducing the paper 1. Ding, X., Zou, Z. & Brooks III, C. L. Deciphering protein evolution and fitness landscapes with latent space models. Nature Communications 10, (2019).

A laptops database webapp with sorting and filtering by product features, and scraped professional reviews. JS, jQuery, AJAX, Flask


A smart traffic intersection system that enables more efficient traffic control and useful information for drivers through a mobile "driving assistant" webapp.

A C++ terminal program allowing users to view, add, edit delete and sort jobs by multiple fields. C++, ncurses