



"Cross the border! Tokyo-Tech pioneering doctoral research project"

What's New!

2022.08.29 2022年度秋採用・2023年度春採用の説明会を 2022年9月14日(水)14:00-15:00 @Zoomで開催予定です。 

2022.08.01 2022年度秋採用・2023年度春採用を2022年9月末締切で募集します。詳細は追ってご連絡します。

2022.05.20 2022年度春募集 採択者一覧(2022.05.13 合格者一覧

2021.11.19 2021年度 採択者一覧


本学では、2021年度より新たに、博士後期課程学生を対象とした「殻を破るぞ!越境型理工系博士人材育成」を創設しました。このプロジェクトの目的は、新しい価値の創造と持続可能で強靱な社会への変革に向け、高度専門力(specialized skill)をベースに、異分野の知性と協働できる汎用力(transferable skill)を兼備した越境型理工系博士人材を輩出することです。



※ a~dはすべて併給可能です。(詳しくは募集要項をご覧ください)

a. 研究奨励費(生活費相当額)     

 - 支給金額: 月額15万円(年額180万円)

 - 支給対象: 全員

 - 支給方法: 毎月、本人が指定する口座に振り込み

b. 研究費

 - 支給金額: 年額40万円(一律同額)

 - 支給対象: 全員

 - 支給方法: 本学にて執行管理

c. 次世代研究者挑戦的研究プラス

 - 支給金額: 年額最大70万円(学生により異なる)

 - 支給対象: 申請者のうち合格者のみ

 - 支給方法: 本学にて執行管理

d. 学外研鑽プラス

 - 支給金額: 学生により異なる

 - 支給対象: 申請者のうち合格者のみ

 - 支給方法: 本学にて執行管理











Tokyo Tech has established a new support project for doctoral students, "Cross the border! Tokyo-Tech pioneering doctoral research project". The purpose of this project is to produce cross-border doctoral students with transferable skills who can collaborate with intelligence in different fields based on a highly specialized skill, with the aim of creating new value and transforming society into a sustainable and reliable society.

This project provides university-wide support for outstanding, aspiring students who will be responsible for the future of science, technology, and innovation in Japan, so that they can go on to doctoral studies without hesitation and choose a wide range of careers that make the most of their abilities, without financial burden or career concerns. The selected students will receive a research incentive grant equivalent to living expenses and support for research expenses for three years, and will also be asked to participate in various activities to improve their research skills and support their career paths.


※ All of a through d can be received together.

a. Research Insentivesequivalent to living expenses)     

 - Allowance: 150,000 yen per month (1.8 million yen per year

 - Target : All

 - Supply method: Monthly remittance to the account specified by the individual

b. Research funds

 - Allowance: 400,000 yen per year (Same amount for all)

 - Target : All

 - Supply method: Exection Management at the University

c. Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation Plus

 - Allowance: Up to 700,000 yen per year (Varies by student)

 - Target : Selected from applicants

 - Supply method: Exection Management at the University

d. Off-Campus Study Plus (For travel expenses only)

 - Allowance: Varies by student

 - Target : Selected from applicants

 - Supply method: Exection Management at the University

Support for those who want to take on more challenges !

 Support for Pioneering Research Initiated
 by the Next Generation Plus

・This is a system that provides additional research funding for research that is judged to be particularly challenging or interdisciplinary.

・After the screening process, only successful applicants will be allocated a budget of up to 700,000 yen per year.

・There is an opportunity to apply every year, and you can reapply regardless of whether you have passed or failed in the past.

 Off-Campus Study Plus (Only travel expenses)

・This project provides additional support for travel expenses for off-campus study.

・After the screening process, only successful applicants will be allocated a budget based on the duration and destination of the program.

・There is an opportunity to apply every month, and you can reapply regardless of whether you have passed or failed in the past.