研究業績 2017

2017 年


Endo, H., Suehiro, K., Gao, X. and Agatsuma, Y. "Interactive effects of elevated summer temperature, nutrient availability, and irradiance on growth and chemical compositions of juvenile kelp Eisenia bicyclis.Phycological Research", 65(2), 118–126 (2017)(査読あり)

Gao, X., Endo, H., Nagaki, M. & Agatsuma, Y. "Interactive effects of nutrient availability and temperature on growth and survival of different size classes of Saccharina japonica(Laminariales, Phaeophyceae)", Phycologia 56 (3) 253-260 (2017) (査読あり)

Endo, H., Okumura, Y., Sato, Y. & Agatsuma, Y. "Interactive effects of nutrient availability, temperature, and irradiance on photosynthetic pigments and colorof the brown alga Undaria pinnatifida" J Appl Phycol 29 (3), 1683–1693 (2017)(査読あり)

Suzuki H, Aoki T, Kubo Y, Endo H, Agatsuma Y, Aoki M.N. Distributional changes of the kelp community at a subtidal reef after the subsidence caused by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. Regional Studies in Marine Sci. 14, 73–83 (2017) (査読あり)

Takagi S, Murata Y, Inomata E, Endo H, Aoki M.N., Agatsuma Y*. Improvement of gonad quality of the sea urchin Mesocentrotus nudusfed the kelp Saccharina japonicaduring offshore cage culture. Aquaculture 477, 50–61 (2017) (査読あり)

Gouda, H., Endo, H. & Agatsuma, Y. "Effect of seawater temperature on long-term recruitment of Strongylocentrotus intermediusjuveniles in northeastern Sea of Japan" Regional Studies in Marine Sci. 16, 36-41 (2017) (査読あり)

Endo, H., Suzuki, A., Sato, Y. & Agatsuma, Y. "Effects of nutrient enrichment, irradiance control, and boiling on the color of the brown alga Undaria pinnatifida" Fish Sci. 83 (5) 811–817(2017) (査読あり)


Ito, K., Aoki, M., Hamaguchi, M., Inomata, E. & Agatsuma, Y. Sargassum canopy as a possible substratum for the settlement of bivalve larvae. International Symposium “Fisheries Science for the Future Generations” 22-24 September 2017, Tokyo(口頭発表).

Feng, W., Narita, K., Inomata, E., Aoki, M. & Agatsuma, Y. Population structure and reproductive characteristics of the sea urchin Heliocidaris crassispina at the recently colonized area along Oga Peninsula, northeastern Honshu, Japan. International Symposium “Fisheries Science for the Future Generations” 22-24 September 2017, Tokyo(口頭発表).

Ito, K., Suzuki, Y., Aoki, M. & Agatsuma, Y. The use of ABC method for epifaunal assemblages in the monitoring of Sargassum beds along the coast of Miyagi, Japan. The 3rd Asian Marine Biology Symposium. Kumamoto, 3-5 November 2017(口頭発表).

Inomata E., Takagi S., Aoki M.N., Agatsuma Y., “Dietary effects of the extruded feed of Pyropia yezoensis on growth of the sea urchin Mesocentrotus nudus”, LATIN AMERICAN & CARIBBEAN AQUACULTURE 2017, Mazatlan, Mexico, Nov. 2017 (ポスター発表

Takagi S., Murata Y., Inomata E., Suzuki H., Aoki M.N., Agatsuma Y., “Gonad qualities of the sea urchin Mesocetrotus nudus fed on different frond portions of the kelp Saccharina japonica”, LATIN AMERICAN & CARIBBEAN AQUACULTURE 2017,   Mazatlan, Mexico, Nov. 2017(口頭発表)

Takagi S., Murata Y., Inomata E., Suzuki H., Aoki M.N., Agatsuma Y., “Short­term feeding on the kelp Saccharina japonica leads to high gonad quality of the sea urchin Mesocentrotus nudus from a barren”, LATIN AMERICAN & CARIBBEAN AQUACULTURE 2017, Mazatlan, Mexico, Nov. 2017(ポスター発表)

Aoki, M., Kubo, Y., Oda, C., Suzuki, H., Inomata, E. & Agatsuma, Y. Effects of grazing and bulldozing activities of the snail Omphalius rusticus on a subtidal rocky reef community. SCESAP Biodiversity Symposium 2017, Cebu, Phillipines, 4-6 December 2017(口頭発表).

Ito, K., Aoki, M., Hamaguchi, M., Inomata, E. & Agatsuma, Y. Occurrence of bivalve spats in Sargassum beds: a review and update. SCESAP Biodiversity Symposium 2017, Cebu, Phillipines, 4-6 December 2017(口頭発表).


鈴木はるか・久保祐貴・青木優和・吾妻行雄. 着生基盤の設置期間と植食性巻貝が海藻の入植に与える影響. 日本藻類学会第41回大会(高知)2017年3月(ポスター発表).

伊藤浩吉・青木優和・吾妻行雄. アカモクの樹冠部は天然稚貝の採苗器なのかもしれない〜藻体構造と葉上動物の垂直分布との関係性〜. 平成27年度日本水産学会春季大会 (東京海洋大). 2017年3月(口頭発表).

猪股英里・青木優和・吾妻行雄. キタムラサキウニ生殖巣の高品質化〜春季から夏季の短期籠育成. 平成27年度日本水産学会春季大会 (東京海洋大). 2017年3月 (ポスター発表).

青木優和・久保祐貴・小田千早・鈴木はるか・吾妻行雄. ルンバな巻貝コシダカガンガラ. 2017年日本プランクトン学会・日本ベントス学会合同大会(滋賀県立大).2017年9月3-5日(口頭発表).

青木優和・高橋花乃子・伊藤浩吉・吾妻行雄. マスト形成ヨコエビ研究の現在. 甲殻類学会第55回大会(東大大気海洋研)2017年10月7-8日(口頭発表).

髙木聖実・村田裕子・猪股英里・鈴木はるか・青木優和・吾妻行雄「キタムラサキウニ生殖巣の品質に及ぼす異なるマコンブ葉状部位の影響」第14回棘皮動物研究集会(山口) 2017年12月(口頭発表)





青木優和、2017. Question 48: ときどき海藻に小さなシャクトリムシみたいなのが付いているのは何?『エビ・カニの疑問 50』 成山堂書店Pp. 156-157.