Telegram Services

Telegram Channel

Beside the website which is our main media, we highly recommend everyone to follow us on our Telegram channel.

Why Telegram Channel

Getting Notifications immediately: Compared to our website or platforms like padlet, the events on Telegram will be notified immediately to all the people in the channel, so organizing last-minute events get possible.

Anonymous membership: Members of the Telegram Channel cannot find out who else is in the channel. This is very important for a big group of people that everyone feels safe that his/her contact won't be found by others and no one could send spam and irrelevant messages.

No telephone number sharing: In Telegram, people can communicate and chat just by sharing the Telegram ID without needing to share their telephone number. The ID can be changed anytime. In this case, the disturbance from other members can be minimized.

How does it work?

Minimum notifications policy

In our channel, the number of posts is intentionally kept very limited, to reduce the number of notifications everyone receives per day. Our experience showed us that receiving too many notifications results in muting the channel by the members and hence losing the functionality of the channel. So the goal is simple, low number and high-quality posts.

What can be posted?

Events: all events we organize in our group, by the team of together in Jena, or by private organizers. Events from other groups and events that does not accept new members, like classes, will not be posted in the channel and can be found only on the website.

News: Limited number of posts about the news of the community

Not recommended posts

Posting anything besides what is explained above can overload the channel. Hence, we avoid posting about events by other groups.

Safety Notes

Being spammed by strangers

By joining our channel, no one except the team of Together in Jena could find out about your subscription. Hence, you are safe for getting the news of the community without being worried about receiving messages from strangers.

However your subscription can be found if you:

  • Organize and event and share your contact

  • Comment under the photos

If you are really concerned about your contact details, please avoid sharing them. When you are making an event, you can use other types of communications like email addresses as well. It is not mandatory to share your Telegram ID.

However, if you are spammed by strangers, you can always welcome to contact us and we can try to find a solution together.

Photo permissions

We are not able to check and control all the photos shared in our channel. Make sure to inform the organizer of the event if you do not like to be in the photos. If there are any photos you do not like to be in, you can contact us and we will delete them for you.

Jena Dude

Dude is a Telegram Bot, which mainly helps everyone with the communications between the participants and the organizers. Starting in June 2021 as a test hobby project, now Dude is one of the main members of the group which does all the important tasks.

What can be found on this bot

Participation in Public and Project Events

Dude is your best friend with your participation in public and project events. By using Dude you can:

  • Register for all the future events

  • Cancel your registration

  • See the list of all events you registered and participated

  • receiving private messages from the organizers of the event in case of sudden changes.

The relevant links for the mentioned activities will be provided to you by the bot. In these links, the field Dude ID will be automatically filled by the bot. You can register for the events with or without Dude ID and it is up to you.

However if you do not register with a valid Dude ID, you cannot cancel your registration and see the events you registered for. You also will not receive any messages from the organizers.

Organizing private events for JAPP platform

For everything you need to do with your own private events, you need to have a Dude ID (see below for more information). This number can be assigned to you via Dude and the bot will help you to

  • Organize your event

  • Edit your event

  • Cancel your event

  • Close your event

  • Write a story for your event

For each of the mentioned activities with your event, you need to ask Dude for help and get the proper link.

Best way to contact us

Do you have a question about a project? Or you want to share an idea? The best way of communication is to use the bot. In this way, your questions will be categorized automatically by the bot and all the responsible people for answering that question will get the message. For instance you have an idea for German Corner and by writing it in the bot, all the people involved in German Corner project will see your idea and can reach you back.

What is Dude ID (reliability ID)

Your data security is very important to us and we try to get almost no personal info from you. We do not ask for your Email address, telephone number, or any other forms of personal data to make sure we are fulfilling the data protection concerns of the participants. However, we need a way to make sure about the validity of registrations (and avoid spam registrations) as well as a method of communication to reach the participants for sudden changes in the plans.

After thinking about many possibilities, we came up with Dude ID. This number is an encoded number that is generated by the bot. This number is different for different users of the bot and does not contain any type of personal data

When you fill out a form to register for an event, you can fill in the field Dude ID. In case you get the link to the form from the bot, this field will be automatically field and you do not need to do it yourself. By using this number in the forms you fill:

  • all the actions you do (registration for an event, organizing a private event, ...) will be linked to your bot and you can modify them. For instance if you register for an event with Dude ID, you can easily cancel it. But registrations without Dude ID are out of your control.

  • You can be contacted by the team of Together in Jena or the organizers of the event in case of sudden changes. Without Dude ID we cannot find out it is you!

If you have any concerns or questions about Dude ID system, we are very happy to show you openly our system and explain to you with more details about the functionality of the system.