
General principles for all courses I teach:



Algorithms and Data Structures 1, Spring Semester 2023/24
Lectures by Dr. Martin Koutecky

Tutorials will be held on Tuesdays at 17:20 in Mala Strana building (room S11).  Credit for tutorials will be given if you obtain a total of 100 points via  homeworks and quizzes. Quizzes  will contain easy questions from the previous lectures, while the homeworks will contain harder problems. You can hand in homeworks via Postal Owl. In the case I am not happy with your solutions, I will return them with some corrections/hints and you are free to resubmit until you are happy with the amount of points you received.  While I disapprove of cheating , collaboration is essential so don't be shy and ask your colleagues for help :).  You can also become a student grader or do a small project for extra credit. For this, check Professors website.

I offer office hours on Mondays from 14:00 onwards. As I don't actually have an office, these will be held in the corridor of the Department of Applied mathematics (KAM) on third floor of the Mala Strana building.  I will always be there until at least 14:30, but probably not for longer if there's noone there.

Linear Algebra 2, Spring Semester 2023/24
Lectures by Dr. Irena Penev

Tutorials will be held on Mondays at 12:20 in Mala Strana building (room S11).  Homeworks are to be handed in over Postal Owl, details about tutorial credit can be found on Professors website.

I offer office hours on Mondays from 14:00 onwards. As I don't actually have an office, these will be held in the corridor of the Department of Applied mathematics (KAM) on third floor of the Mala Strana building.  I will always be there until at least 14:30, but probably not for longer if there's noone there.

Discrete Mathematics, Winter Semester 2023/24
Lectures by Dr. Hans Raj Tiwary

Tutorials will be held on Wenesdays at 14:00 in Mala Strana building (room S10). Credits for the tutorials will be obtained via  homeworks and/or class participation and weekly quizzes.  Every week, you can obtain 13 points. From these 3 will be obtained via the Quiz and the other 10 via HW/Participation. For obtaining the remaining 10 points you can solve a couple of problems in class (group work with my help) or solving the homeworks (harder option as there is no help).  Homeworks are expected to be your own work and cheating will not be tolerated.

You can submit homeworks by sending them to my email address with title "Discrete_Math_HW#X_YourName" where X is to be replaced with the appropriate number. There should be one homework  every  week and you will have two weeks to solve it (so some overlap). You are allowed (and encouraged) to submit a first draft of solutions before the deadline so that I could mark it and send it back to you for corrections. Try to do this at least 4-5 days before the deadline so that I would have time to actually mark it and return it to you.  Solutions to homeworks will be posted once the grading is complete and solutions to tutorial problems will be posted a couple of weeks after the tutorial in order to encourage you to first solve them by yourself. 

Office hours: From 26th of October onwards I will be available from 13:30 to 14:45 every thursday in the corridor of the Department of Applied Mathematics (2nd floor of Mala strana building).  

Problems and solutions

Week 1: Problems, Solutions, Homework: Problems 5 and 8
Week 2: Problems, Solutions, Homework: Problems 9,10 and 11
Week 3: Problems. Solutions, Homework: Problems 8 and 9; ERRATA: PROBLEM 9 HAD A MISTAKE, PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE CORRECTED VERSION
Weeks 4 and 5: Problems, Solutions, Homework: Problems 10,11,12,13 

Week 6: Problems, Solutions, Homework: Problems 8 and 9

Week 7: Problems, Solutions, Homework: Problems 8 and 9

Week 8: Problems, Solutions, Homework Problems 9 and 10

Week 9: Problems, Solutions, Homework Problems 9 and 10

Week 10: Problems, Solutions, Homework Problems 9 and 10

Week 11: Problems, Solutions, Homework Problems 8 and 9

Week 12: Problems, Solutions, Homework Problem 8, parts 3,4,5