This project seemed interesting and that it would be good practice for a beginner in JavaScript, so I gave it a try. I followed most of the code in the video, yet there were certain areas that I modified what was done in order to be more concise, clear, or to use methods that were taught to me. In this post, I'll walk through the code, and at the bottom I'll post a link to the code on my Github repository.

In the body, I inserted an tag for the header, and created a few divs. The first div surrounds the input bar and button. The second div is where new items added to the to-do list will go. In the input div, I created an element, giving it necessary class, type, and placeholder, as well as a with the class addButton. At the bottom of the body, I linked to the JavaScript file.

Todo List Code Download


Finally, in this method I added two event listeners, one for the edit button and one for the delete button. When the edit button is clicked, the method edit is called, which takes in input. When the delete button is clicked, the method remove is called, taking in itemBox.

The final element in the JavaScript file is how items get added to the list. I added an event listener to the add button. When the button is clicked, it checks to see if the input value is not empty, and if so it creates a new instance of the Item class, setting the itemName to the input value. After doing so, the input value is reset to an empty string.

The video that I followed used a lot of CSS, and as I don't have much experience with it, I largely followed along with their code. There were, however, things I added that I thought improved the functionality of the program, or removed because I felt they were unnecessary or not in my personal style. For this part of the code-along, I will include the CSS block-by-block, and say generally what that block does.

So I've been watching What Darren Plays on youtube, and I noticed he uses what looks like html elements in his to-do list notes, which change how they look. I've tried a few other html elements, and not all of them work, so I was looking for a comprehensive list of ones that do work, but couldn't find any. Is there a wiki page or something for this?

Build and run the app by executing the dotnet watch run command in the command shell from the TodoList folder. After the app is running, visit the new Todo page by selecting the Todo link in the app's navigation bar, which loads the page at /todo.

The title text for each todo item can be made editable, and a checkbox can help the user keep track of completed items. Add a checkbox input for each todo item and bind its value to the IsDone property. Change @todo.Title to an element bound to todo.Title with @bind:

Study the syntax required for defining models, views and (where applicable) controllers and classes in the frameworks you're interested in and try your hand at editing the code to see how it feels using it first-hand.

Please ensure that if you're happy with this, you do spend more time investigating the framework (including reading the official docs, the source and its complete feature list). There's often a lot more to a framework than what we present in our examples.

When run my code I get the expected responses, however, when I submit for marks, I don't pass all of the tests. When I input the data from the failed tests, I get the expected results. Can anyone give me an idea what is going wrong here?

Hi all! I am trying to understand state management in panel, and what better way than creating a todo list!

I am able to use parameterized classes to create a stateful list that can be added to or deleted from.

I implemented the same thing only with functions. Probably it is not so performant like the other approach, but the state is simply managed with a dictionary. When you have a large app you can return the dictionary to other places of your code in a simple way, or even you can create the dictionary in a higher scope (even global), and in that way you have a shared or global state. I use dictionaries to update the status of different components from different threads without any problem until now (I think it is thread-safe), and I think for begginers is really easier.

Update: This exercise is still on-going. Currently, I am learning more about Hiccup, Reagent, Re-Frame, and full-stack development so I can answer some of my questions regarding how to approach the to-do list app within a GUI context.

Is there any way of getting a complete TODO list for my project ina an organized way?

I think on working on Rstudio and leaving some TODO marks all along the code to be done later and somehow getting all TODOs organized on one Markdown page or panel to check.

Currently, it is what I do leaving TODO in the code. Then I use "search in files" from RStudio IDE to have a panel with to-do list. I can click on one and go directly to the correct file and line of code.

To also add something helpful: What you want is super easy to implement as an RStudio addin. You just need to get the current project (rstudioapi for getting the file currently open in the editor, rprojroot for getting the project directory). Search all .R script files (list.files(), readLines(), grepl) for # TODO, and then present the results however you want (print(), shiny app).

Note: If you need to check your code against our version, you can find a finished version of the sample React app code in our todo-react repository. For a running live version, see -react/.

Vite has given us some code that we won't be using at all for our project. The following terminal commands will delete it to make way for our new project. Make sure you're starting in the app's root directory!

The role attribute helps assistive technology explain what kind of element a tag represents. A  is treated like a list by default, but the styles we're about to add will break that functionality. This role will restore the "list" meaning to the  element. If you want to learn more about why this is necessary, you can check out Scott O'Hara's article, "Fixing Lists".

The aria-labelledby attribute tells assistive technologies that we're treating our list heading as the label that describes the purpose of the list beneath it. Making this association gives the list a more informative context, which could help assistive technology users better understand the list's purpose.

If you'd like, you can practice writing boolean attributes with another attribute you may have seen before, hidden, which prevents elements from being rendered on the page. Try adding hidden to the element in App.jsx to see what happens, then try explicitly setting its value to {false}. Note, again, that writing hidden="false" results in a truthy value so the will not hide. Don't forget to remove this code when you're done.

The role attribute helps assistive technology explain what kind of element a tag represents. A  is treated like a list by default, but the styles we're about to add will break that functionality. This role will restore the \"list\" meaning to the  element. If you want to learn more about why this is necessary, you can check out Scott O'Hara's article, \"Fixing Lists\".

If you'd like, you can practice writing boolean attributes with another attribute you may have seen before, hidden, which prevents elements from being rendered on the page. Try adding hidden to the element in App.jsx to see what happens, then try explicitly setting its value to {false}. Note, again, that writing hidden=\"false\" results in a truthy value so the will not hide. Don't forget to remove this code when you're done.

An Incorrect Solution

Your 1st instinct may be to set the variable to an empty list whenever the screen starts. This does not work because the app ends up clearing out the list every time you close and reopen the app. This defeats the purpose of the stored variable.

The Correct Solution

Rather, a better approach is to only set the variable to an empty list IF the list has not yet been defined. This makes the stored variable a list variable IF and ONLY IF the list is not yet defined. Thus it will not clear out any items previously stored in the list.

Another option is to save your list as a cloud variable, then if you have firebase hooked up, each cloud variable will be a different folder in your firebase database. This is the newly suggested approach. Check out my most recent tutorial that explains this:

These three components, `App`, `TodoList`, and `TodoItem`, work together to create a functional Todo List application in React. The `TodoList` component manages the state of the tasks, and the `TodoItem` component represents and handles individual tasks within the list.

Also, the other pages in this tutorial intentionally show older-style Redux logic patterns that require more code than the "modern Redux" patterns with Redux Toolkit we teach as the right approach for building apps with Redux today, in order to explain the principles and concepts behind Redux.

Since Redux is a separate library, there are different "binding" libraries to help you use Redux with a given UI framework. Those UI binding libraries handle the details of subscribing to the store and efficiently updating the UI as state changes, so that you don't have to write that code yourself. e24fc04721

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