Setting up
Github Desktop + VS Code

Here's how to setup Github Desktop to be able to contribute to the Story and skit on this project.

1) Create an account on

2) Dowload Github Desktop

3)Open up github Desktop
Click on ''File'' in the top left corner
Select ''Clone Repository...'' ( a window will open)
Select the URL tab and paste this link
In Local path under the place where you pasted the above link you need to select where you want the folder to be on your computer
Afterward Click on the ''Clone'' blue button, this will dowload a local copy on your computer. This is where you will make changes.
Edit 3.5) You have to fork the repository in order to contribute :)

4)Download VisualCode Studio ( these two programs will work together to make the edit and then send them to github)

5) Now is the time to open the folder we created with Github Desktop
Select the Blue button ''Open Folder'' and navigate to the place where you've clone the repostory with github in step 3.

6) Now you are ready to make an edit in the file you want.

7) After you save your edit, you need to create a ''Pull Request'' with Github Desktop
First , press on the ''Fetch origin'' button
Then Click on the ''Branch'' Button on the top bar and select '' Merge into Current Branch'' and click on ''Upstream/Master''
Press on ''Push Origin''
Click on the ''Branch'' Button on the top bar and select ''Create a Pull Request'' this will take you to the Github Website
Write a desciption of the change you made and send the pull request.