Compiling pakcomposer.exe and compto.exe

What you will need:

  • Visual Studio Code (2019) Community Edition, which is available here .

  • Tiny CC, which is available here. (I used Version 0.9.27 for this)

Step 1: Download the Repositories and Extract Archive

The repositories are available at their respective Githubs. Tales of Destiny DC Patch is located here , and TalesTra is located here. To download the repository, click the green Code button and then download as a ZIP file.

Once downloaded, then extract the .zip archive with whatever tools you feel like using.

Step 2: Building Pakcomposer.exe

Now that both of the repositories have been downloaded and extracted, it is now time to build the .exe files. First we are going to build pakcomposer.exe.

Open up the file pakcomposer.sln in Visual Studio Code (the file should be in \Tales-of-Destiny-DC-master\Tales-of-Destiny-DC-master\pakcomposer wherever you unzipped the archive to).

Once opened, all you will need to do is press ctrl+shift+b to build pakcomposer.exe. The resulting .exe will then be in Tales-of-Destiny-DC-master\Tales-of-Destiny-DC-master\pakcomposer\bin\Debug. Easy peasy!

Step 3: Building Compto.exe

For this file, you will need to use tinycc to compile it.

Go to wherever you have tinycc stored on your computer. In the file browser at the top, type in 'cmd' and click enter. This will open command prompt at the folder where tinycc is.

Then, go to where you have the talestra library stored on your computer and copy the link to the directory where the files compto.c and complib.c are located.

Now, in the command prompt that you opened

  • Type "tcc -o "

  • Paste the address of the directory that you copied, and add .exe to the end of it. This will be the target location of the file that we are building.

  • Paste the address of the directory that you copied, and append '\compto.c" to the end of it. Paste the address again and append '\complib.c" to the end of it. This tells tinycc what files are being used to compile our executable.

If you follow these instructions, the result should look something like this:

Then, press enter to build the file (you will probably get and error message like "__declspec redefined" but ignore it.

You should then have the file "comptoe.exe" in your talestra-master directory. Copy it into the same directory as pakcomposer.exe.

To use these programs, go to where you have pakcomposer.exe and comptoe.exe stored and type 'cmd' in the file directory to access command prompt. Then type in the name of the executable that you want to use.