short presentations

If you would like to give a short presentation (of 10 minutes duration), you need to submit an abstract of the presentation in the prescribed format** (see below) indicating the topic and objective, via the following Google form:

The deadline for submission of abstracts is June 04, 2022. Shortlisted speakers will be notified 10 days before the symposium. Registration is now closed.

** The format of abstract submission is as follows:

  1. Every abstract must include a title and a write up not exceeding 300 words.

  2. All presentations must be based on one of the five themes of the symposium which are given below. Each abstract should indicate the theme which the paper will be addressing.

  3. The abstract must be prepared in a .doc / .docx / .odt file. The filename should be

time2021_(name of the person with first name and surname separated by . ) e.g someone by the name Anjali Singh may submit her abstract using the filename time2021_anjali.singh

The five themes of the symposium are as follows:

1) Strengthening conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts:

Today’s teachers must prepare all students to understand, master, and apply important concepts and skills in mathematics and science and become able problem solvers and inquirers. This is possible only if the teacher has a clear understanding of the concepts being taught.

2) Teaching through problem solving:

Problem-solving in learning mathematics comes from the belief that mathematics is primarily about reasoning, not memorization. Problem-solving allows students to develop understanding and explain the processes used to arrive at solutions, rather than remembering and applying a set of procedures.

3) Effective teaching strategies:

Use of collaborative learning, learning through problem solving, project-based learning, explore and learn methodology, encouraging students to use multiple intelligences are some of the ways teachers can engage students to learn.

4) Use of innovative resources in classroom:

Innovative ways of lesson planning that uses a variety of resources that help math visualization for teaching and learning mathematics in classroom.

5) Role of math modeling and applications:

Problem solving by the mathematical modelling enables learners to relate mathematics to real life and to learn it more meaningfully and permanently.