The Grey Trilogy


If Hell is corrupt, and Heaven is tyrannical, where do you go when you die?

Jordan Greene, the owner of one of the most powerful souls to ever exist, doesn't particularly care. Despite Heaven and Hell both sending an Angel to win her trust and recruit her soul for the Reckoning, the war to end all wars, she wants nothing more than to be left alone. Her destiny was to become a doctor in some high-rise city, not to battle Demons and Fallen Angels, and certainly not to die before she reached the age of 20. So, when she hurdles off a cliff thanks to her uncoordinated feet, she is a little annoyed with the idea that her life was over.

Hell's mercenary Angel, Grey, has different plans, and refuses to let Jordan die when she is fated to. Jordan, however, takes orders from no one, especially cocky ex-Angels who think they have her all figured out.


After outwitting Lucifer, Jordan now has to face the consequences of her actions. Heaven has done all it could to help her, but it is now up to Grey, Allison, and Jordan to figure out how to re-Pledge a soul. Not only must they solve what has been deemed unsolvable by God himself, but Lucifer has placed a bounty on their heads, and all of Hell is after them.

How do you escape the devil?

How do you solve the unsolvable?

How do you save a world hanging in the balance?

And how do you protect the man you love, when the man you love is neither friend nor foe?

Well, Jordan's about to find out.


First, she met Grey, a Fallen Angel with all the wrong intentions and all the right things to say. Then, she became an Angel in her own right with silver wings. Now, she must become as strong as steel in order to save innocent souls from eternal damnation.

Jordan Greene's soul finally belongs to Heaven- or does it? With the Reckoning, the final war between Heaven and Hell, quickly approaching, Jordan not only has to prepare herself to be a leader in the war to end all wars, but also has to deal with issues of her own. When she and Grey find out that their relationship might have already been decided for them, how will they cope? Will their relationship last? Will she and Grey make it out alive? Will Siena, Allison, and Suriel make it out alive?

In the third and final installment of the Grey Saga, everything comes to an end, including lives, loves, and the greatest War to ever be fought.

Are you ready?