TJ Tristan

The "Lovely, Dark, and Deep" Series

Mankind has fallen. It is now the time of Druids, of which there are six different types- four Elemental (Fire, Earth, Water, Air), Light, and Dark. The Dark Druids have reigned over the Kingdom of Arastya since its inception, and with each rise of a new ruler, comes the competition for their hand by the other Druid Realms. The rise of High King Salem comes at an unprecedented time, as the Earth Druids are believed to be extinct, including the nomadic Forest Druids, who reside in a deadly forest at the base of the Arastyan mountains.

Quinn, perhaps the last remaining Forest Druid, hasn’t seen another Druid since her father was taken from her as a child. When two Druid males saunter into her forest, one of them claiming to be the new High King, Quinn can’t resist holding an arrow to his head. They explain that, as the only Forest Druid they had come across in the days they’ve searched the forest, she must accompany them to the capital of Kalys to compete for High King Salem’s hand. Quinn is taken back to the castle against her will, the safety of her forest at stake. During the competition, she soon discovers that the monsters beneath her skin are far different than what she once believed, and that the beasts within the castle walls are far more dangerous than the ones back in her forest. With rising tensions between the realms, assassinations within the castle, and a treasonous prophecy being spread around the villages- it becomes quickly apparent that a competition should be the last thing on anyone's mind, let alone the High King.

The Grey Trilogy

If Hell is corrupt, and Heaven is tyrannical, where do you go when you die?

Jordan Greene, the owner of one of the most powerful souls to ever exist, doesn't particularly care. Despite Heaven and Hell both sending an Angel to win her trust and recruit her soul for the Reckoning, the war to end all wars, she wants nothing more than to be left alone. Her destiny was to become a doctor in some high-rise city, not to battle Demons and Fallen Angels, and certainly not to die before she reached the age of 20. So, when she hurdles off a cliff thanks to her uncoordinated feet, she is a little annoyed with the idea that her life was over.

Hell's mercenary Angel, Grey, has different plans, and refuses to let Jordan die when she is fated to. Jordan, however, takes orders from no one, especially cocky ex-Angels who think they have her all figured out.