Drill Teams

Crimson Guard Drill Team

Commander:  Josiah Reyes

The Crimson Guard Drill Team is focused on teaching cadets advanced movements through the use of the Manual of Arms. 

Crimson Brigade Drill Team

Commander: Naomy Santarelly 

The Crimson Brigade is the unarmed counterpart of the Crimson Guard and is dedicated to teaching  advanced drill movements through precision and accuracy. 

DESCRIPTION: The armed and unarmed drill teams compete through a series of three phases involving the following:

The Crimson Guard and Brigade are the two teams that provide the most opportunities for cadets in evolving and developing their discipline, commitment, time-management, and interpersonal relationship skills. In addition, every year cadets have the opportunity to participate in the Army National Drill Team Championships by flying out of state and competing against all the other Army JROTC units in the nation. Furthermore, cadets will have a chance at possibly advancing even further by participating in the All-Service National Drill Team Championships which provide a chance to visit beautiful Daytona Beach, Florida. JROTC drill teams from across all service branches, (Navy, Marines, Air Force and Army), and the contiguous United States  including regions outside of the country, such as Germany, come together to compete for the title of World Drill Champions. 

RECRUITMENT: Both drill teams accept cadets into the teams at any point of the year. The one exception being when flying out of state or travelling to high-stake competitions. If interested, make sure to talk to the appropriate drill team COMMANDER or an INSTRUCTOR.