Drill and Ceremony:

Drill and ceremony proceedures are followed as demonstrated in TC 3-21.5

Basic Stationary Movements:

Position of Attention:

To assume this position, bring the heels together sharply on line, with the toes pointing out equally, forming a 45-degree angle. Rest the weight of the body evenly on the heels and balls of both feet. Keep the legs straight without locking the knees. Hold the body erect with the hips level, chest lifted and arched, and the shoulders square.

1). Keep the head erect and face straight to the front with the chin drawn in so that alignment of the head and neck is vertical.

2). Let the arms hang straight without stiffness. Curl the fingers so that the tips of the thumbs are alongside and touching the first joint of the forefingers. Keep the thumbs straight along the seams of the trouser leg with the first joint of the fingers touching the trousers.

3). Remain silent and do not move unless otherwise directed.

NOTE: This position is assumed by enlisted Soldiers when addressing officers, or when officers are addressing officers of superior rank.

Parade Rest:

Parade Rest. Parade Rest is commanded only from the Position of Attention. The command for this movement is Parade, REST.

(1) On the command of execution REST, move the left foot about 10 inches to the left of the right foot. Keep the legs straight without locking the knees, resting the weight of the body equally on the heels and balls of the feet.

(2) Simultaneously, place the hands at the small of the back and centered on the belt. Keep the fingers of both hands extended and joined, interlocking the thumbs so that the palm of the right hand is outward.

(3) Keep the head and eyes as in the Position of Attention. Remain silent and do not move unless otherwise directed. Stand at Ease, At Ease, and Rest may be executed from this position.

NOTE: Enlisted Soldiers assume this position when addressing all noncommissioned officers or when noncommissioned officers address noncommissioned officers of superior rank.

Left/Right Face:

Facing to the Flank is a two-count movement. The command is Left (Right), FACE.

(1) On the command of execution FACE, slightly raise the right heel and left toe, and turn 90 degrees to the left on the left heel, assisted by a slight pressure on the ball of the right foot. Keep the left leg straight without stiffness and allow the right leg to bend naturally.

(2) On count two, place the right foot beside the left foot, resuming the Position of Attention. Arms remain at the sides, as in the Position of Attention, throughout this movement.

About Face:

Facing to the Rear is a two-count movement. The command is About, FACE.

(1) On the command of execution FACE, move the toe of the right foot to a point touching the marching surface about half the length of the foot to the rear and slightly to the left of the left heel. Rest most of the weight of the body on the heel of the left foot and allow the right knee to bend naturally.

(2) On count two, turn to the right 180 degrees on the left heel and ball of the right foot, resuming the Position of Attention. Arms remain at the sides, as in the Position of Attention, throughout this movement.

Basic Marching Movements:

The 30 Inch Step:

To march with a 30-inch step from the Halt, the command is Forward, MARCH.

1). On the preparatory command Forward, shift the weight of the body to the right foot without noticeable movement. On the command of execution MARCH, step forward 30 inches with the left foot and continue marching with 30-inch steps, keeping the head and eyes fixed to the front. The arms swing in a natural motion, without exaggeration and without bending at the elbows, approximately 9 inches straight to the front and 6 inches straight to the rear of the trouser seams. Keep the fingers curled as in the Position of Attention so that the fingers just clear the trousers.

2). To Halt while marching, the command Squad (Platoon), HALT is given. The preparatory command Squad (Platoon) is given as either foot strikes the marching surface as long as the command of execution HALT is given the next time that same foot strikes the marching surface. The Halt is executed in two counts. After HALT is commanded, execute the additional step required after the command of execution and then bring the trail foot alongside the lead foot, assuming the Position of Attention and terminating the movement.

The 15 Inch Step:

Use the following procedures to execute the 15-inch step, forward/half step.

1). To march with a 15-inch step from the Halt, the command is Half step, MARCH. On the preparatory command Half step, shift the weight of the body to the right foot without noticeable movement. On the command of execution MARCH, step forward 15 inches with the left foot and continue marching with 15-inch steps. The arms swing as in marching with a 30-inch step.

2). To alter the march to a 15-inch step while marching with a 30-inch step, the command is Half step, MARCH. This command may be given as either foot strikes the marching surface. On the command of execution MARCH, take one more 30-inch step and then begin marching with a 15-inch step. The arms swing as in marching with a 30-inch step.

3). To resume marching with a 30-inch step, the command Forward, MARCH is given as either foot strikes the marching surface. On the command of execution MARCH, take one more 15-inch step and then begin marching with a 30-inch step.

4). The Halt while marching at the Half Step is executed in two counts, the same as the Halt from the 30-inch step.

6). While marching at the Half Step, the only commands that may be given are: Mark Time, MARCH; Forward, MARCH; Normal Interval, MARCH; and HALT.

Column Left/Right:

To change the direction of a column, use the following procedures:

1). From the Halt, the command to start the squad in motion and simultaneously change the direction of march 90 or 45 degrees is Column Right (Left), MARCH or Column Half Right (Left), MARCH. On the command of execution MARCH, the lead man faces to the right (left) as in marching by pivoting to the right (left) on the ball of the right foot and steps off in the indicated direction taking a 30-inch step with the left foot and continues to march. The number two man adjusts his step by lengthening or shortening as necessary to reach the approximate pivot point of the lead man. When he reaches the approximate pivot point of the lead man, he pivots to the right (left) on the ball of the lead foot taking a 30-inch step with the trail foot in the new direction. All other members step off with the left foot and continue to march forward taking 30-inch steps and execute in the same manner as the number two man in approximately the same place until the entire squad has executed the column movement.

2). To change the direction of march 90 or 45 degrees when marching, the preparatory command Column Right (Left) or Column Half Right (Half Left) is given as the foot (in the desired direction) strikes the marching surface. The command of execution MARCH is given the next time the foot in the desired direction strikes the marching surface. On the command of execution MARCH, the lead man takes one additional step, pivots in the commanded direction as the pivot foot strikes the marching surface, and continues to march in the new direction. Other members continue to march forward and execute the pivot as prescribed from the Halt.

3). To avoid an obstacle in the line of march, the squad leader directs, INCLINE LEFT (RIGHT). The lead man inclines left (right) around the obstacle and resumes the original direction. All other members follow the lead man.

Basic Squad Drill:

Fall In:

The squad normally forms in a line formation; however, it may re-form in column when each member can identify his exact position (equipment grounded) in the formation.

a. To form at normal interval, the squad leader comes to the Position of Attention and commands FALL IN. On the command FALL IN, the following actions occur simultaneously:

(1) Each member double-times to his position in the formation.

(2) The right flank man positions himself so that when the squad is formed it is three steps in front of and centered on the squad leader.

(3) The right flank man comes to the Position of Attention and raises his left arm laterally at shoulder level, elbow locked, fingers and thumb extended and joined, and palm facing down. He ensures that the left arm is in line with the body.

(4) The man to the immediate left of the right flank man comes to the Position of Attention, turns his head and eyes to the right, and raises his left arm in the same manner as the right flank man. He obtains proper alignment by taking short steps forward or backward until he is on line with the right flank man. He then obtains exact interval by taking short steps left or right until his shoulder touches the extended fingertips of the Chapter 6 6-2 TC 3-21.5 20 January 2012 right flank man. As soon as the man to the left has obtained Normal Interval, each man individually lowers his arm to his side, sharply turns his head and eyes to the front, and assumes the Position of Attention.

(5) The right flank man then sharply returns to the Position of Attention.

(6) All other members of the squad form in the same manner except that the left flank man does not raise his left arm.

NOTE: The right flank man raises his arm and looks straight to the front unless the squad is to align on an element to its right. If he is to align on an element to the right he turns his head and eyes to the right and aligns himself with that element.

Dress Right Dress:

To align the squad at Normal Interval, the commands are Dress Right, DRESS and Ready, FRONT. These commands are given only when armed Soldiers are at Order Arms or Sling Arms. On the command of execution DRESS, the right flank man stands fast. Each member, except the right flank man, turns his head and eyes to the right and aligns himself with the man on his right. Each member, except the left flank man, extends his left arm laterally at shoulder level, elbow locked, fingers and thumb extended and joined, palm facing down. He ensures his left arm is in line with his body and positions himself by short steps right or left until his right shoulder touches the fingertips of the man on his right. On the command of execution FRONT, each member returns sharply to the Position of Attention.

NOTE: If the squad leader wants exact alignment, on the command of execution DRESS, he faces to the Half Left in marching and marches by the most direct route to a position on line with the squad, halts one step from the right flank man, and faces down the line. From his position, he verifies the alignment of the squad, directing the men to move forward or backward, as necessary, calling them by name or number: “Private Jones, forward 2 inches”; “Number eight, backward 4 inches.” The squad leader remains at attention, taking short steps to the right or left as necessary to see down the squad. Having aligned the squad, he centers himself on the right flank man by taking short steps left or right. He then faces to the Half Right in marching, returns to his position (center of the squad), halts perpendicular to the formation, faces to the left, and commands Ready, FRONT. These procedures also apply when aligning the squad at close or Double Interval.

At Close Interval Dress Right Dress:

To align the squad at Close Interval, the commands are At Close Interval, Dress Right, DRESS and Ready, FRONT. The movement is executed in the same manner prescribed for alignment at Normal Interval except that the squad members obtain Close Interval.

Basic Formations:

Platoon Formation:

The platoon normally forms in a line formation; however, it may re- form in a column when each man can identify his exact position (equipment grounded) in the formation.

1). The platoon forms basically the same as a squad. The platoon sergeant assumes the Position of Attention and commands FALL IN (At Close Interval, FALL IN or In Column, FALL IN). On the command FALL IN (At Close Interval, FALL IN), the squad leader and the first squad (when formed) is three steps in front of and centered on the platoon sergeant. Other squad leaders cover on the first squad leader at the correct distance, which is obtained by estimation. The members of the first squad fall in on their squad leader as prescribed for squad drill. Members of the other squads fall in on their squad leader, assume the Position of Attention, and turn their heads and eyes to the right. They obtain correct distance by taking short steps forward or backward and align themselves on the man to their right. They then sharply turn their heads and eyes to the front as in the Position of Attention and obtain proper interval by taking short steps left and right to cover on the man to their front. Members of all squads, other than the first squad, will not raise their left arms unless the man to their immediate left has no one to his front in the formation on which to cover.

2). When a report is appropriate, the platoon sergeant commands REPORT. The squad leaders, in succession from front to rear, turn their heads and eyes toward the platoon sergeant and salute (holding the Salute until returned) and report. The squad leaders do not state the unit. For example: Situation 1. When all squad members are in formation, the report is “All present.” Situation 2. When squad members are absent, the Soldiers and reasons for absence are reported: Pvt. Smith - CQ runner. Pvt. Jones - sick call. Pvt. Williams - AWOL.

3). The platoon sergeant turns his head and eyes toward the reporting squad leader, receives the report, and returns the salute. After receiving the report from the squad leaders, the platoon sergeant faces about and awaits the arrival of the platoon leader or a directive from the first sergeant to REPORT. When the platoon leader has halted at his post, the platoon sergeant salutes and reports, “Sir, All present"; or "Sir, All accounted for”;or "Sir, (so many) men absent." The platoon leader returns the Salute. After the Salute has been returned, the platoon sergeant faces to the right in marching, inclines around the squad leaders, halts at his post, and faces to the right. If reporting to the first sergeant, the platoon sergeant turns his head and eyes toward the first sergeant, salutes, and reports.

4). If the platoon leader is not present for the formation, and the commander is in charge of the formation, the platoon sergeant steps forward three steps (after receiving the squad leader’s report) and, on the command POST, assumes the duties of the platoon leader.

5). When appropriate, the platoon may be formed by the platoon leader rather than by the platoon sergeant. The procedures are the same as previously described except that the first squad forms six steps in front of and centered on the platoon leader, and the platoon sergeant forms at his post to the rear of the platoon. For continuity purposes in this chapter, “platoon sergeant” may also denote “platoon leader” when the platoon leader is executing drill from his post.

Company Formation:

The company normally forms in a line formation; however, it may re-form in column when each man can identify his exact position (equipment grounded) in the formation. The company forms basically the same as the platoon. On the command FALL IN; (At Close Interval), FALL IN, the platoons form in line, centered on and facing the person forming the unit, with five-step intervals between platoons.

The company may be formed by the first sergeant and platoon sergeants or by the company commander and platoon leaders. When possible, the platoons assemble near the formation site before the arrival of the first sergeant or company commander. If the company is formed by the noncommissioned officers, the platoon leaders normally observe the procedures from a position to the rear of their platoons.

(1) When the company is formed by the noncommissioned officers, the following procedures apply.

(a) The first sergeant posts himself nine steps in front of (center) and facing the line where the front rank of each platoon is to form. He then commands FALL IN; (At Close Interval), FALL IN.

(b) On the command of execution, the platoons form in the same manner prescribed in platoon drill. Each platoon sergeant faces his platoon while the platoons are forming and directs his platoon to adjust (if necessary) and align on the platoon to its right at the correct interval. Once the platoon is formed, the platoon sergeants face about.

Battalion Formation:

Forming the Battalion. To facilitate the forming of a larger unit, the commander normally alerts the component units as to the desired formation, time, place, route, uniform, and the sequence in which the units will form. Unless the right guide’s position at the formation site has been previously marked, the guides report to the site and receive instructions before the arrival of the troops.

(1) The commissioned staff forms in one rank, at normal interval and centered on the commander. Staff members are normally arranged in their numerical order from right to left. When enlisted staff personnel form as part of the officer staff, they form two steps to the rear of their respective staff officer. The command sergeant major forms one step to the rear and centered on the Colors.

(2) When the battalion participates as a separate element of a larger formation, or when space is limited, it is normally formed in a mass formation in the same manner as forming a company mass.