
English 中文

Taoyuan Airport to Taipei Main Station

  • Take Taoyuan MRT (You are at A13 or A12) to Taipei Main Station (A1)
  • Express Train takes 38 min. to Taipei, Commute Train takes 50 min.
  • Ticket Price: NT$160 (Single-Journey)

Taipei Main Station to National Taiwan Normal University by Taipei Metro

  • Take Red Line (Taipei Main Station is R10), bound for Xiangshan.
  • Change train at Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Station (R08) to Green Line (G10), bound for Xindian. The Green Line will be at the opposite side of the platform of the Red Line here.
  • Get off the train at Guting Station (G09). Use Exit 4 and a 5-minute walk eastbound to National Taiwan Normal University.

Walking Direction

Please use Google Map for the location and get your direction. Thanks.