





題目:Skoda-Zeriahi type integrability for some measure with $L^1$-density and some compactness of relative entropy for Poincaré type Kähler metrics

概要:I will talk about some integrability result of plurisubharmonic functions for some measure with $L^1$-density. In order to prove this, Skoda-Zeriahi's integrability theorem and the Ohsawa-Takegoshi $L^2$-extension theorem play a very important role. As an application, we show some compactness of relative entropy for Kähler metrics of Poincaré type. This work is motivated by the variational characterization of constant scalar curvature Kähler (cone) metrics by Chen-Cheng and K.Zheng.


題目:Skoda-Zeriahi type integrability for some measure with $L^1$-density and some compactness of relative entropy for Poincaré type Kähler metrics

概要:I will talk about some integrability result of plurisubharmonic functions for some measure with $L^1$-density. In order to prove this, Skoda-Zeriahi's integrability theorem and the Ohsawa-Takegoshi $L^2$-extension theorem play a very important role. As an application, we show some compactness of relative entropy for Kähler metrics of Poincaré type. This work is motivated by the variational characterization of constant scalar curvature Kähler (cone) metrics by Chen-Cheng and K.Zheng.


概要:与えられたコンパクト多様体Mにおいて,体積が1となるようなリーマン計量全体を考える.このとき,計量から定まるラプラシアンの最小正固有値は,そのような計量全体の上の汎関数とみなせる.Nadirashvili(1996)とEl Soufi-Ilias(2000)は,計量gがそのような固有値汎関数の臨界点であるとき,ラプラシアンの固有関数たちが(M,g)の球面への等長極小はめ込みを与えることを示した.Apostolov-Jakobson-Kokarev(2015)は,リーマン計量全体ではなく,コンパクトケーラー多様体においてケーラー類を固定して固有値汎関数の臨界点を調べた.本講演では,コンパクト複素多様体において,体積が1となるようなケーラー計量全体を考え,固有値汎関数の臨界点について考察する.Apostolov et al.の結果との比較を行い,また例として平坦な複素トーラスについて述べる.本講演はプレプリントarXiv:2304.06261の内容に基づく.

題目:Numerical semistability of projective toric varieties

概要: Numerical semistability is one notion of GIT stability, which is defined by the inclusion of the weight polytopes (Chow/Hurwitz polytopes). It was proved by Paul that the K-energy of a smooth linearly normal projective variety $X$ restricted to the Bergman metrics is bounded from below if and only if it is numerically semistable. In this talk, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a given smooth toric variety $X_P$ to be numerically semistable, building upon the works of Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky (A-Resultants/A-Discriminants).  Applying this result to a smooth polarized toric variety $(X_P, L_P)$, we prove that $(X_P,L_P)$ is asymptotically numerically semistable if and only if it is K-semistable in the toric sense.  

題目:J-equation and a Kobayashi-Hitchin-type correspondence on semistable vector bundles

概要:We introduce the J-equation on higher rank holomorphic vector bundles with an application to the deformed Hermitian-Yang-Mills equation through the small volume limit. On semistable bundles over smooth projective surfaces, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the solvability of the J-equation in an asymptotic setup. Our result can be thought of as a perturbed version of the Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence.

題目:Cyclic volume forms for a positive singular Hermitian metric on the canonical bundle over Kähler manifolds

