Team Members

Erik Davis

Erik is a senior in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering with a focus in Pre-Biomedical Engineering. He plans to continue his education at the University of Kentucky and obtain a Master's of Science in Biomedical Engineering. He hopes to eventually work in a clinical setting working with medical devices and prosthetic development in rehabilitation medicine.

Greg Rummel

Greg is a Senior in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering with a focus in Pre-Med. He will be attending medical school in the fall or 2019 at the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Maryland. After medical school he has intentions on joining a special forces unit in the Army as a surgeon.

Joel Martin

Joel is a Senior in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering with a focus in Pre-Biomedical Engineering. He plans to continue his education and earn a Master's of Science in Biomedical Engineering. He plans to one day work to design neural interface hardware for prosthetics.

Matthew Ponder

Matthew is a Senior majoring in Neuroscience. He hopes to become a veterinarian, and will be applying to veterinary school after completing his Bachelor's of Science in the spring of 2019.