I study how glaciers evolve with climate! 

I am currently doing my Ph.D. as a part of the Hydro Remote Sensing Applications Group (H-RSA), Department of Civil Engineering, IITB and School of Earth, Atmosphere, and Environment, Monash University, where my research focuses on understanding the past, present, and future water cycles in High Mountain Asia using satellite datasets, climate data, and glacier evolution modelling. 

Completed my Bachelor's in Geoinformatics with proficiency in physical geography, remote sensing, computer programming, and data visualization. I am passionate about research in the field of cryosphere science. I completed a Master’s in Geoinformatics from the Central University of Jharkhand, India. My research interests include- glacial studies, the impact of climate change on glaciers of High Mountain Asia, simulations and projections of glacier evolutions. Previously I have worked on permafrost modeling based on various climate datasets.

I am also a photographer finding stories from high mountain regions and wish to present a hybrid visual-scientific narrative, to create impactful and world-changing stories and research. In addition, I have also completed training in mountaineering from the esteemed Himalayan Mountaineering Institute (HMI) in Darjeeling, India, and was awarded with a grade of 'A'.


Master of Science, Geoinformatics from Central University of Jharkhand, 2020 - July 2022 (Gold Medallist)

Bachelor of Science, Geoinformatics from Amity University, Noida, 2017-2020


Gold Medal awardee for highest score in PG
Global Nominee and Local People’s Choice Winner at NASA Space App Challenge 2021
Best paper award at National Seminar: Environment and Urban Ecosystem: From Individual to Ecological
Platoon Leader at Military Training Camp at Manesar organized by Amity University.
Finalist of The Hindu Photojournalism Awards 2019 in portrait category
Winner of Amity University Inter Departmental Travel Photography Contest 2018
TaeKwonDo Black Belt holder


International Glaciological Society Early Glaciologist Group (IGS-EGG) Core committee member
International Association of Cryospheric Sciences
Indian Polar Research Network, member
Permafrost Young Researcher Network

Check my CV here

Mailing Address

F3, Bina Complex, Khalisani, Ditch Road Chandannagar,
West Bengal, India, ZIP:712136

Phone: (+91) 8240828268
Email: tirthankarg97[at]gmail[dot]com