TRapped Ion Quantum Computing cENTER

Welcome to TIQCL at Ewha Womans University

We are looking for undergrad, grad students, and Post-docs

( 양자컴퓨터 제작 및 연구에 관심있는 학부생, 대학원생, 박사후 연구원을 찾고 있습니다)

All group members together at ICQC 2022 (July/2022)

 We are an experimental physics group building a Trapped Ion-based Quantum Computer. Quantum computer has been theoretically known to calculate specific tasks exponentially faster than conventional computers and solve problems that might not be solvable using conventional computers. There have been various physical platforms to construct the Quantum Computer. Among these, we use trapped ion quantum bits (qubits) to experimentally build the practical Quantum computer.

Trapped ions in electromagnetic forces under ultrahigh vacuum are well isolated from their environment, enabling special field-insensitive energy states to achieve the longest coherence times among candidate systems. In addition, the electronic states of the trapped ions can be initialized and measured with high accuracy by using a coherent light source (laser). With these advantages, we can perform quantum logic gates - quantum superposition and quantum entanglement which are basis for universal quantum computation 

Please see our youtube video for introducing our lab

Contact information

Assoc. Prof. Taeyoung Choi


Phone: (02)-3277-6951

Office: Science Building A-525 (종합과학관 A동 525호)

            Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University

            Lab: Science Building D-201