Whom to contact

Where to find a help form if necessary?

Find your local embassy

When you arrive in a new country (for longer than a vacation), it is helpful to advise your local embassy. Let them know you are there and give them a way to contact you.

For example, with the Covid-19 pandemic, the embassy could send me useful information about the current situation, options and travel requirements for permanent and semi-permanent residence.

Find your communities of nationality on site

It is always nice to find other people of your nationality, living in the same place and discover their tips and advice, places to meet, speak your native language...

For example, find meetings, parties, gatherings, national celebrations of your country of origin that are taking place, restaurants with specialties from your country of origin in the city or country and try to help.

Find local members with expat experiences, online or personal meetings, more tips and advice, insurance, etc...