Get ready

What to do ?

Before deciding to leave your country, there are many things to check, to discover, to organize, to plan, to learn...

But from my point of view, the most important is to be open and willing to change :-) Because your life will definitely change! Think of it as a new adventure, a new chapter in the book of your life.


But here are some ideas and tips that can help you prepare.

Where do you plan to go

Find out where your new home will be

Where is it on the map?

How do I get there?

What language is spoken there? Do you know it? Will you learn it before or after you get there? (more in Happy landing )

Price / travel time

Weather conditions throughout the year

Habits and customs of the local population

What to do/see in the area

Find advice from people who know the place (Google, TripAdvisor,...)

If you are moving as a couple or a family, start defining what is essential in your future home.

Your Move

Ask yourself

How long will you be gone?

Are you moving all your belongings or just some?

Do you need everything or do you want to get rid of what you never use?

Ask your friends, expatriates, colleagues, etc. for the best moving companies they know.

Ask for several offers (prices can vary considerably).

You can take an insurance... (something rarely happens, but it's just in case)

Inform and Meet with friends / family

Make a list of people you would like to see before you leave and start planning. It can be of GREAT importance for you and some of the people around you to have some time to get used to the idea that you will be leaving town soon. Advise them with time





To cancel before departure

What services do you need to cancel before your departure?




Television / Internet

Post office

Insurance (Health insurance / Home insurance / Car insurance)

Tax office


Check with your bank / credit cards,...

To do list before you leave

What would you like to do or need to do before the move?

If you decide to learn the language before you move, you can take an intensive language course (more information on language in Happy landing).

Have a good "house cooling" to say goodbye to some friends and take the opportunity to sell or donate.

Sell or donate what you will not be moving (all electrical appliances as the contacts and watts will probably be different)

Have an up-to-date passport, identity card, visa...

Organize with: the tax office, the city, the rental company, ...

Ask for advice from the local embassy of the country you are going to.

Look for a bank that can offer you service abroad.

Find international or other health insurance locally

Check with the pension found and make the best decision for you.

Tips and Tricks