Vestry Meeting -
16 September 1911
Minutes of Vestry meeting held in the Vicarage on 16th Sept. 1911
Present Rev. Phillips, Messrs Brading, Nevins, D. & A. Speedy, Maunsell, Tatham, G. Groves & Hancock.
Minutes of last meeting were duly confirmed as read.
Propd. Mr. Groves Secd. Mr. Brading that Mr. Bob Langdon be asked to proceed with the work of stopping the leak in Church roof (carried)
Correspondence received from Archdeacon Fancourt stating that our stipend a/c was ₤50-3-2 in arrears on 30th June & asking that same be paid up at earliest possible date.
Mr. Nevins read balance sheet of vicarage a/c which shewed that there would be a probable credit balance of ₤8-8-9 on 30th Decr.
Propd Mr. Maunsell secd. Mr. Brading that the vicarage & paddocks be let to Mr Sinclair @ 6/- per week (Carried)
Mr. Phillips offered to sell the linoleum in vicarage costing ₤15-19-7 to the vestry for ₤10-0-0, also the blinds &c costing 80/- for ₤3-0-0.
It was agreed that the balance of Vicarage funds ₤8-8-9 be paid to Mr. Phillips on account of the linoleums & blinds, Messrs D.H. Speedy & G. Groves undertook to lend the required balance ₤4-15-0 for purchasing the blinds from Mr. Phillips.
Read & confirmed.
W. J. Hands
January 31/1911