
The public defense of this PhD thesis is on Friday 13 March 2020 at 13:30h in the Aula of Wageningen University, Generaal Foulkesweg 1, Wageningen 

You can also watch the public defence via this live stream



About the Author

Tim Stevens is an interdisciplinary scientist with expertise in digital media research. He studies the interactions between social media activity and stakeholders’ communication and policy practices in the domains: agriculture, food & health, and nature & environment. In his research, he combines computational methods on macro-level (e.g. semantic network analysis) with interpretive methods on micro-level (e.g. framing and policy analyses). Tim has a passion for building bridges; across the sciences but also at the interface of science and society.  

He is currently doing research on collaborative methods for educational innovation (post doc at ELS, WUR) and on teacher learning in the context of innovations (post doc at ESoE, TU/e). He has a passion for transformative learning and transdisciplinary collaborations in the context of sustainability challenges, especially where life-sciences, education and society meet.