Video Leads Machine Review


Video Leads Machine Review - Get Paid Helping Businesses Get Instant Authority in Their Industry

Why do you tend to choose one brand over another if they offer identical products or services?

It’s the AUTHORITY that makes the difference.

If a business is seen as “the one” that is more familiar, more trustworthy, more knowledgeable, and more likeable - then they will be making more sales, plain and simple.

Most businesses are all too aware of this, and would cut off their right arm to get that kind of “Authority” overnight. Or better yet, they’ll pay you a pretty penny to help them get it!

AND YOU CAN PROVIDE THAT FOR THEM!... with Video Leads Machine.

Video Leads Machine is an automated video app AND extensive training by the #1 expert in gaining authority (David Sprague) and the video-guru himself (Todd Gross)

The software actually creates a “Ted-Talk” like, “newsy” video interview with YOU in it that looks and feels like a segment from “60 minutes”, “20-20”, you get the idea. (Like you see in the image above) BUT.. the training teaches you how to take this one step farther and actually make these Ted-Talk videos for local businesses too!

Your client doesn’t have to be on camera either, it can all be done with just a voice-over if they wish!

The training will teach you how to properly position yourself, or your client as the “authority” using the video app, and way beyond. David Sprague is actually the #1 authority-trainer of businesses worldwide, and usually charges hundreds and in some cases thousands of dollars to share his knowledge on the subject, so that you or your client can get ahead. and simply put… get a TON of leads!

Video Leads Machine is discounted for the next few days only, with the price going up every few hours during this debut “launch” week.

What a refreshing and unique product that will propel you or your clients to new heights!

No matter what you’ve been doing for your business, or your client’s businesses - it won’t “stick”, if folks aren’t impressed with you and look up to you (or your client) as … “The One”!

Grab Video Leads Machine right now and start making YOUR mini-Ted-talk video and learn how to wield that amazing Authority-Power!

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