Binsta 2.0 Review


Binsta 2.0 Review - 100% Instagram Compliant Growth Software


Tired of of struggling to grow your Instagram account manually?

I’ve got a brand new tool that can help you grow your Instagram followers, fetch insane targeted traffic and does all of this soon auto-pilot for you.

You can automatically respond to DMs, dined targeted Instagram users that are more likely to be interested in your offer, engage with their post, reels, and even stories. This brand new app puts you or your business in front of 1 billion Instagram users…even while you sleep.

It’s called Binsta 2.0 and is currently available with a crazy early birds discounted price.

Check out some of the actual Instagram automation processes you can set up:

It's super easy to use, too!

All you need to do is follow an easy 3 step process:

Step #1 - Choose which of the 22 Instagram growth automation processes you want to use or sell.

Step #2 - Connect your or your clients' Instagram accounts that you want to automate. You can automate follows, unfollows, DMs, comments, posts, hashtags, stories, tags, captions, and even content posting for years.

Step #3 - That’s it. Watch Binsta manage and grow your Instagram accounts in 100% automation using AI.

Check out my review videos to see all that Binsta packs and what all you’ll get with it today:

With Binsta 2.0 you get…

Ability find targeted audience on Instagram based on location, interest or celebrities they follow and engage with

Instant automated Welcome DM to new followers

Auto-comment, auto-repost, auto-like your target audience posts

Post images and videos in auto-pilot using Instagram Scheduler

Auto-Message visitors who led your post

Auto-Message visitors who commented on your post

Manage your DM with Instant replies, feedback FAQs etc

Auto-follow your target audience which gets you a follow back or engagement with your content and offer

Auto-unfollow your audience to maintain a healthy followers/following ratio

Comments manager to seamlessly manage your rotate your auto-comments on various target accounts where your audience will easily find you

Hashtag Manager lets you extract current viral hashtags you can use for your own

10,000% more visibility that you can ever imagine

Check more here: