Meet Tiffany

About Me

My name is Tiffany Voigt and I live in central MN with my husband and twin daughters.  I have a master's degree in speech-language pathology from St. Cloud State University.  I have worked for over 15 years in the medical, education, and private sectors as a speech therapist. Six years ago I transitioned to the business management world and am currently the Director of Customer Success for an online company that provides therapy services, mental health services, and a SaaS product to K12 institutions.  

My husband, Aaron, and I have been married for 12 years and we have twin daughters.  Isla and Paige are 9 years old and so much fun! We spend our time together outside fishing and playing.  The girls are in gymnastics so we also spend a fair amount of time in the car driving to and from practices.  I am sure many of you can relate to being Uber/Lyft parents, haha!



I LOVE  to travel and will go anywhere at any time.  My top travel adventure was spent in Turkey for over 2 weeks.  Experiencing the culture, environment, and FOOD are so fulfilling for me.


I was raised on a farm and it instilled a passion for growing things in my heart.  I very much enjoy my flower gardens and vegetable garden all throughout the summer months. 


I must admit that fishing is a new hobby.  We inherited a very small 1969, 14-foot boat last summer, and I am learning the ropes. My husband fishes and my kids love it, so it makes me happy to see their joy.
