Working papers

Governor charisma impact on state-level outcomes. With John Antonakis and Dominic Rohner (University of Lausanne)

Charismatic Leadership: An antidote to the pitfalls of incentives? With Christian Zehnder and John Antonakis (University of Lausanne) 

Charisma impact on conflict and the role of Democracy. With Dominic Rohner and John Antonakis (University of Lausanne).

Does charisma boost student's performance? With Christian Zehnder and John Antonakis (University of Lausanne) 

Can charisma boost citations? With John Antonakis (University of Lausanne) and Nicolas Bastardoz (KU Leuven).

Activation of power sources impact on leadership. With Tyler Kleinbauer (previously at University of Lausanne) and Nicolas Bastardoz (KU Leuven).

The impact of gender neutral language on survey outcomes. With John Antonakis (University of Lausanne) and Nir Milstein (Bar-Ilan University).

Large Language Models (LLMs) and targeted political messaging. Cheap propaganda? With Philine Widmer and Eunjung Cho (ETH Zurich).

Testing the validity of Stock-Yogo critical values for instrumental variables.
A Monte Carlo simulation. Tiffany Kreutschy (University of Lausanne)

The economic value of tattoos. With John Antonakis (University of Lausanne) and Athena Antonakis.